" Cher Monsieur Bryce, Hier soir, vous avez accédé à un site que vous n'étiez pas autorisé à visiter. Vous avez de nouveau essayé d'y accéder ce soir. Nous n'apprécions pas les visiteurs non sollicités. Si vous parlez à la police de ce que vous avez vu, ce qui va arriver à votre ordinateur arrivera à votre femme, à votre fils et à votre fille. Vos amis de Scarab Productions " S'il avait eu le moindre soupçon de l'effet dévastateur qu'un CD, trouvé sur la banquette d'un train de banlieue, allait avoir sur sa vie, Tom Bryce l'aurait sans doute laissé là où il était...
Vingt ans de mariage, ça se fête. Chacun de leur côté, Victor et Joan se préparent une petite surprise. Dans leur minable pavillon de Brighton, où s'amoncellent désillusions et rancunes, le couple s'affaire. Cyanure pour l'un, hyperglycémie fatale pour l'autre. Deux crimes parfaits. Le tout étant de garder son sang-froid. Une gageure pour ceux qui s'aiment, comme eux, d'un aussi grand amour...
Recueil Serial Lecteurs 2014
Harlan Coben, Karine Giébel, Claude Izner, Peter James, Mallock, Viviane Moore, James Rollins, Franck Thilliez, E
- 12-21
- 27 Mars 2014
- 9782823817034
12-21 vous offre les premiers chapitres de dix romans policiers et thrillers, par les auteurs stars du catalogue : - À quelques secondes près, Harlan Coben - Le Temple noir, E. Giacometti et J. Ravenne - Purgatoire des innocents, Karine Giebel - Le dragon du Trocadéro, Claude Izner - Des enfants trop parfaits, Peter James - Nous étions les hommes, Gilles Legardinier - Les larmes de Pancrace, Mallock - La femme sans tête, Viviane Moore - Le complot des immortels, James Rollins - Puzzle, Franck Thilliez
Juste à temps
Ian Rankin, Peter James, David Baldacci
- 12-21
- Hors collection
- 16 Janvier 2020
- 9782823877748
1 aventure inédite pour les fans du genre et pour tous les autres !
Un projet unique dans le monde du noir et un concept simple : 2 auteurs, parmi les plus grandes voix actuelles du genre, font se rencontrer leurs héros respectifs en dehors de leurs romans et de leur cadre habituel.
Cette nouvelle est issue du recueil
Face à face auquel participent les auteurs suivants :
Dennis Lehane vs Michael Connelly
Ian Rankin vs Peter James
R.L. Stine vs Douglas Preston et Lincoln Child
M.J. Rose vs Lisa Gardner
Steve Martini vs Linda Fairstein
Jeffery Deaver vs John Standford
Heather Graham vs F. Paul Wilson
Raymond Khoury vs Linwood Barclay
John Lescroart vs T. Jefferson Parker
Steve Berry vs James Rollins
Lee Child vs Joseph Finder -
Trois enquêtes de Roy Grace - Tu ne m?oublieras jamais / La mort n?attend pas / À deux pas de la mort
Peter James
- Fleuve éditions
- Fleuve noir
- 5 Janvier 2023
- 9782265156616
Trois enquêtes de Roy Grace réunies en un seul volume !
Tu ne m'oublieras jamaisLa femme du commissaire Roy Grace, disparue neuf ans auparavant, aurait-elle enfin été retrouvée ? L'idée le terrifie. Et si les premières constatations du médecin légiste se confirment, il s'agirait bien de son cadavre dans un collecteur d'eaux de Brighton. Cette découverte macabre n'est que la première pièce d'un puzzle. Les autres vont mener Grace dans les décombres des attentats du 11 Septembre et sous le soleil d'Australie, avec cette question lancinante : est-il donc si facile de disparaître ?
La mort n'attend pasCaitlin a seulement 15 ans et son seul espoir de vivre est d'obtenir une greffe de foie, de toute urgence. Mais les listes d'attente sont longues, son groupe sanguin rare et le temps joue contre elle.
Aujourd'hui, tout se vend, tout s'achète sur Internet, il suffit de savoir où chercher. Une mère aux abois ne recule devant rien pour sauver son enfant. Et certains le savent...
Rory Grace doit agir vite : la mort n'attend pas...
A deux pas de la mortNuit de la Saint-Sylvestre à Brighton : une jeune femme est violemment attaquée à l'hôtel Métropole. Son agresseur emporte ses vêtements et ses escarpins avant de prendre la fuite. Quand l'information tombe, le commissaire Grace est précipité douze ans en arrière, en 1997. À l'époque, l'homme aux chaussures, comme on l'avait surnommé, avait agressé plusieurs femmes, avant de s'emparer d'un de leurs escarpins. Tous des modèles de créateurs. Un trophée... Un souvenir cuisant pour Roy Grace qui n'est jamais parvenu à arrêter le coupable. Lorsqu'une seconde agression avec vol de chaussures est recensée à Brighton, le profil d'un fétichiste commence à se dessiner. Quant aux similitudes avec 1997, elles se multiplient. Même schéma. Même période de l'année. Même mode opératoire. Or après la cinquième victime, l'homme était passé au meurtre. Roy Grace veut éviter à tout prix que ce cycle macabre ne se répète. Pour cela, il va devoir replonger dans un passé tourmenté, à une époque où son épouse Sandy n'avait pas encore disparu... -
Peter Milligan, Jesús Hervás, James Hervas
- Delcourt
- Contrebande
- 8 Septembre 2021
- 9782413035480
Alors que la société d'effondre à cause d'un virus informatique qui a franchi la barrière des espèces, le prodige musical Oscar Fuentes est séparé de sa soeur jumelle, Cira. Parviendront-ils à se retrouver ou seront-ils tous deux perdus à jamais, dans une civilisation en pleine décadence qui remplace sans pitié le passé?
Cardiac Arrhythmias, Pacing and Sudden Death
Peter Kowey, Jonathan P. Piccini, Gerald Naccarelli, James A. Reiffel
- Springer
- 30 Août 2017
- 9783319580005
This book provides up-to-date, user-friendly and comprehensive guidance on the evaluation, diagnosis, and medical and surgical treatment of cardiac arrhythmias. This ensures that that this title aids every trainee and practicising cardiologist, cardiac electrophysiologist, cardiac surgeon, vascular surgeon, diabetologist, cardiac radiologist and any physician who manages cardiac patients. Cardiovascular Medicine: Cardiac Arrhythmias, Pacing and Sudden Death covers every aspect of cardiac arrhythmias, from cardiac signs and symptoms through imaging and the genetic basis for disease to surgery, interventions, treatment and preventive cardiology. This coverage is presented with consistent chapter organization, clear design, and engaging text that includes user-friendly features such as tables, lists and treatment boxes.
Practical Colonoscopy
Jerome D. Waye, James Aisenberg, Peter h. Rubin, Shannon J. Morales
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 2 Avril 2013
- 9781118553428
Practical Colonoscopy Jerome D. Waye, MD, Director of Endoscopic Education, Clinical Professor of Medicine, Mount
Sinai Medical Center, New York, NY, USA
James Aisenberg, MD, Clinical Professor of Medicine, Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, NY,
Peter H. Rubin, MD, Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, Mount Sinai
Medical Center, New York, NY, USA Are you looking for a rapid-reference, step-by-step guide to teach you all that you need to know in order to perform high-quality colonoscopy? Then Practical Colonoscopy is the perfect resource for you. Drawing upon their collective century of experience performing and teaching colonoscopy, Drs. Waye, Aisenberg and Rubin share the "pearls" and principles that they find most useful in every day practice. The team is led by
Dr. Jerry Waye, one of the world's leading practitioners and teachers of endoscopy. Up-to-date, practical, clinically-focused, succinct and packed full of outstanding illustrations and videos, this multi-media tool guides you through the core aspects of best colonoscopy practice. Key features include: Lucid,step-by-step explanations of the techniques and principles that will help you to achieve outstanding results A companion website that contains 39 videos illustrating important techniques, findings, and problems Text-boxes that highlight and organize the pearls and pitfalls of colonoscopy practice Line diagrams that illustrate important strategies and maneuvers High-resolution still photographs that depict important findings and techniques GI trainees will find this the perfect introductory guide to colonoscopy, and more experienced specialists will value it as a refresher tool that is replete with hundreds of new pearls provided by world experts. Practical Colonoscopy is a must-have tool for today's colonoscopist. -
FX Option Performance
Jessica James, Jonathan Fullwood, Peter Billington
- Wiley
- 23 Avril 2015
- 9781118793275
Get the little known - yet crucial - facts about FX options Daily turnover in FX options is an estimated U.S. $ 207 billion, but many fundamental facts about this huge and liquid market are generally unknown. FX Option Performance provides the information practitioners need to be more effective in the market, with detailed, specific guidance. This book is a unique and practical guide to option trading, with the courage to report how much these contracts have really made or lost. Breaking free from the typical focus on theories and generalities, this book gets specific - travelling back in history to show exactly how options performed in different markets and thereby helping investors and hedgers alike make more informed decisions. Not overly technical, the rigorous approach remains accessible to anyone with an interest in the area, showing investors where to look for value and helping corporations hedge their FX exposures. FX Option Performance begins with a quick and practical introduction to the FX option market, then provides specific advice toward structures, performance, rate fluctuation, and trading strategies. Examine the historical payoffs to the most popular and liquidly traded options Learn which options are overvalued and which are undervalued Discover surprising, generally unpublished facts about emerging markets Examine systemic option trading strategies to find what works and what doesn't On average, do options result in profit, loss, or breaking even? How can corporations more cost-effectively hedge their exposure to emerging markets? Are cheap out-of-the-money options worth it?
A Companion to Narrative Theory
James Phelan, Peter J. Rabinowitz
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 15 Avril 2008
- 9781405151962
The 35 original essays in A Companion to Narrative Theory constitute the best available introduction to this vital and contested field of humanistic enquiry.
Comprises 35 original essays written by leading figures in the field Includes contributions from pioneers in the field such as Wayne C. Booth, Seymour Chatman, J. Hillis Miller and Gerald Prince Represents all the major critical approaches to narrative and investigates and debates the relations between them Considers narratives in different disciplines, such as law and medicine Features analyses of a variety of media, including film, music, and painting Designed to be of interest to specialists, yet accessible to readers with little prior knowledge of the field -
Pro Linux System Administration
James Turnbull, Dennis Matotek, Peter Lieverdink
- Apress
- 14 Mars 2017
- 9781484220085
Implement a SOHO or SMB Linux infrastructure to expand your business and associated IT capabilities. Backed by the expertise and experienced guidance of the authors, this book provides everything you need to move your business forward.Pro Linux System Administration makes it easy for small- to medium-sized businesses to enter the world of zero-cost software running on Linux and covers all the distros you might want to use, including Red Hat, Ubuntu, Debian, and CentOS. Pro Linux System Administration takes a layered, component-based approach to open source business systems, while training system administrators as the builders of business infrastructure.
Completely updated for this second edition, Dennis Matotek takes you through an infrastructure-as-code approach, seamlessly taking you through steps along the journey of Linux administration with all you need to master complex systems. This edition now includes Jenkins, Ansible, Logstash and more.
What You'll Learn:Understand Linux architecture Build, back up, and recover Linux servers Create basic networks and network services with Linux Build and implement Linux infrastructure and services including mail, web, databases, and file and print Implement Linux security Resolve Linux performance and capacity planning issues Who This Book Is For:Small to medium-sized business owners looking to run their own IT, system administrators considering migrating to Linux, and IT systems integrators looking for an extensible Linux infrastructure management approach.
Fractures of the Proximal Humerus
Peter Biberthaler, Chlodwig Kirchhoff, James P. Waddell
- Springer
- 28 Octobre 2015
- 9783319203003
This series provides a clearly structured and comprehensive overview of fracture treatments based on the most recent scientific data. Each book in the series is organized anatomically, so the surgeon can quickly access practical aspects, examples, pearls and pitfalls. In this first volume in the series, fractures of the proximal humerus are examined with an overview of fracture morphology, injury pattern, preoperative considerations, conservative treatment, surgical management and postoperative care. Fractures of the Proximal Humerus is written by a group of experts from the Association for the Rationale Treatment of Fractures (ARTOF) who aim to provide an independent, unbiased summary of fracture treatments to improve clinical outcomes. Trauma and orthopaedic surgeons worldwide who are searching for current knowledge of new implants, therapeutic strategies and advancements will be able to quickly and accurately apply the information from this book to provide the best possible care for their patients.
Provides unique coverage of the prediction and experimentation necessary for making predictions.
* Covers computational fluid dynamics and its relationship to direct numerical simulation used throughout the industry.
* Covers vortex methods developed to calculate and evaluate turbulent flows.
* Includes chapters on the state-of-the-art applications of research such as control of turbulence. -
Environmental Biology for Engineers and Scientists
David A. Vaccari, Peter F. Strom, James E. Alleman
- Wiley-Interscience
- 27 Octobre 2005
- 9780471741787
The growth of the environmental sciences has greatly expanded the scope of biological disciplines today's engineers have to deal with. Yet, despite its fundamental importance, the full breadth of biology has been given short shrift in most environmental engineering and science courses.
Filling this gap in the professional literature, Environmental Biology for Engineers and Scientists introduces students of chemistry, physics, geology, and environmental engineering to a broad range of biological concepts they may not otherwise be exposed to in their training. Based on a graduate-level course designed to teach engineers to be literate in biological concepts and terminology, the text covers a wide range of biology without making it tedious for non-biology majors.
Teaching aids include:
* Notes, problems, and solutions
* Problem sets at the end of each chapter
* PowerPoints(r) of many figures
A valuable addition to any civil engineering and environmental studies curriculum, this book also serves as an important professional reference for practicing environmental professionals who need to understand the biological impacts of pollution. -
Debating Deliberative Democracy
Peter Laslett, James S. Fishkin
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 15 Avril 2008
- 9780470680469
Debating Deliberative Democracy explores the nature and value of deliberation, the feasibility and desirability of consensus on contentious issues, the implications of institutional complexity and cultural diversity for democratic decision making, and the significance of voting and majority rule in deliberative arrangements. Investigates the nature and value of deliberation, the feasibility and desirability of consensus on contentious issues, the implications of institutional complexity and cultural diversity for democratic decision making, and the significance of voting and majority rule in deliberative arrangements. Includes focus on institutions and makes reference to empirical work. Engages a debate that cuts across political science, philosophy, the law and other disciplines.
Mercury Cadmium Telluride
Peter Capper, James Garland
- Wiley-Interscience
- 2 Septembre 2010
- 9780470669457
Mercury cadmium telluride (MCT) is the third most well-regarded semiconductor after silicon and gallium arsenide and is the material of choice for use in infrared sensing and imaging. The reason for this is that MCT can be `tuned' to the desired IR wavelength by varying the cadmium concentration. Mercury Cadmium Telluride: Growth, Properties and Applications provides both an introduction for newcomers, and a comprehensive review of this fascinating material. Part One discusses the history and current status of both bulk and epitaxial growth techniques, Part Two is concerned with the wide range of properties of MCT, and Part Three covers the various device types that have been developed using MCT. Each chapter opens with some historical background and theory before presenting current research. Coverage includes: Bulk growth and properties of MCT and CdZnTe for MCT epitaxial growth Liquid phase epitaxy (LPE) growth Metal-organic vapour phase epitaxy (MOVPE) Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) Alternative substrates Mechanical, thermal and optical properties of MCT Defects, diffusion, doping and annealing Dry device processing Photoconductive and photovoltaic detectors Avalanche photodiode detectors Room-temperature IR detectors
Handbook of Wafer Bonding
Peter Ramm, James Jian-Qiang Lu, Maaike M. V. Taklo
- Wiley-VCH
- 18 Mai 2011
- 9783527644230
The focus behind this book on wafer bonding is the fast paced changes in the research and development in three-dimensional (3D) integration, temporary bonding and micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) with new functional layers. Written by authors and edited by a team from microsystems companies and industry-near research organizations, this handbook and reference presents dependable, first-hand information on bonding technologies.
Part I sorts the wafer bonding technologies into four categories: Adhesive and Anodic Bonding; Direct Wafer Bonding; Metal Bonding; and Hybrid Metal/Dielectric Bonding. Part II summarizes the key wafer bonding applications developed recently, that is, 3D integration, MEMS, and temporary bonding, to give readers a taste of the significant applications of wafer bonding technologies.
This book is aimed at materials scientists, semiconductor physicists, the semiconductor industry, IT engineers, electrical engineers, and libraries. -
ABC of Conflict and Disaster
Peter F. Mahoney, Anthony D. Redmond, James M. Ryan, Cara Macnab
- BMJ Books
- 13 Avril 2009
- 9781444312874
This ABC introduces medicine in areas of conflict or natural disaster responding to the growing number of regions affected. Chapters deal with subjects such as earthquakes and landslides as well as nuclear incidents and biological warfare both nationally and internationally. It covers both logistical planning and medical aid as well as post-conflict recovery, offering psychological as well as medical and public health support. It prepares aid workers for a range of roles in all possible situations.
James L. Best, C. R. Fielding, Ian Jarvis, Peter Mozley
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 11 Mai 2009
- 9781444313154
Sedimentology has seen many significant advances and changes over the past 40 years, ranging from facies modelling to sequence stratigraphy; chemostratigraphy to basin analysis; and the integration of studies of physical, chemical and, increasingly, biological processes in the interpretation and prediction of sedimentary environments and products. The subject is becoming ever more interdisciplinary and applied, and now has far more links to other physical sciences. Research and debate are continuing afresh as we move into this new interdisciplinary phase and promise many developments and increased uses of our subject. Now seemed a good time to publish a series of review papers concerning some key current areas of research. We hope that these papers will provide comprehensive starting points for those wishing to become acquainted with an area, act as stimuli for debate, and provide awareness and ideas for future research avenues. No issue of this sort can, of course, ever be truly comprehensive in its coverage: these reviews concern only selected snippets from the wide scope of sedimentology and each has, of necessity, been selective in its own area.
True Digital Control: Statistical Modelling and Non-Minimal State Space Designdevelops a true digital control design philosophy that encompasses data-based model identification, through to control algorithm design, robustness evaluation and implementation. With a heritage from both classical and modern control system synthesis, this book is supported by detailed practical examples based on the authors' research into environmental, mechatronic and robotic systems. Treatment of both statistical modelling and control design under one cover is unusual and highlights the important connections between these disciplines. Starting from the ubiquitous proportional-integral controller, and with essential concepts such as pole assignment introduced using straightforward algebra and block diagrams, this book addresses the needs of those students, researchers and engineers, who would like to advance their knowledge of control theory and practice into the state space domain; and academics who are interested to learn more about non-minimal state variable feedback control systems. Such non-minimal state feedback is utilised as a unifying framework for generalised digital control system design. This approach provides a gentle learning curve, from which potentially difficult topics, such as optimal, stochastic and multivariable control, can be introduced and assimilated in an interesting and straightforward manner. Key features: Covers both system identification and control system design in a unified manner Includes practical design case studies and simulation examples Considers recent research into time-variable and state-dependent parameter modelling and control, essential elements of adaptive and nonlinear control system design, and the delta-operator (the discrete-time equivalent of the differential operator) systems Accompanied by a website hosting MATLAB examples True Digital Control: Statistical Modelling and Non-Minimal State Space Design is a comprehensive and practical guide for students and professionals who wish to further their knowledge in the areas of modern control and system identification.
Quality Evaluation in Non-Invasive Cardiovascular Imaging
Robert C. Hendel, Gary V. Heller, Peter L. Tilkemeier, James A. Case
- Springer
- 20 Avril 2016
- 9783319280110
This handbook provides hospitals, clinics, and imaging centers, along with their medical and technical directors and hospital administrators, with the necessary information and tools to develop quality initiatives.
The specific aims of this book include:
1.Describe quality control as it relates to non-invasive cardiovascular imaging 2.Understand the current standards as published by societal guidelines or accrediting organizations e.g. American College of Radiology (ACR), Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC), The Joint Commission (TJC)or the European Society of Cardiology (ESC).
3.Demonstrate techniques to comply with the routine quality assessment of the equipment utilized in the imaging process.
4.Understand and document the appropriate patient and protocol selection.
5.Optimize appropriate imaging techniques to minimize acquisition and processing artifact.
6.Improve the reporting process and more effectively communicate with referring physicians.
7.Assess the current process of care and document the outcomes to allow for process improvement. 8.Develop protocols for the evaluation of patient and physician satisfaction.
9.Design programs to perform the public reporting of outcomes.?
Acute Elbow Trauma
Peter Biberthaler, James P. Waddell, Sebastian Siebenlist
- Springer
- 16 Janvier 2019
- 9783319978505
This volume focuses on acute trauma to the adult elbow, including fractures, dislocations, tendon ruptures, and vascular and nerve injuries. Each chapter addresses anatomical key features, surgical and conservative therapeutic procedures, postoperative regimes and complication strategies. International elbow experts explore a range of surgical approaches, the usage of modern implants, advances in surgical techniques, and pearls and pitfalls for each trauma entity. Moreover, the authors describe total elbow arthroplasty and radial head replacement in detail, outline current clinical outcomes, and provide recommendations for therapeutic approaches and salvage measures. The book enables the orthopedic surgeon to deal with the entire spectrum of acute simple and complex elbow injuries in adults.
The Legal Doctrines of the Rule of Law and the Legal State (Rechtsstaat)
James R. Silkenat, James E. Hickey Jr., Peter D. Barenboim
- Springer
- 28 Mai 2014
- 9783319055855
This book explores the development of both the civil law conception of the Legal State and the common law conception of the Rule of Law. It examines the philosophical and historical background of both concepts, as well as the problem of the interrelation between the two doctrines. The book brings together twenty-five leading scholars from around the world and provides both general and specific jurisdictional perspectives of the issue in both contemporary and historical settings. The Rule of Law is a legal doctrine the meaning of which can only be fully appreciated in the context of both the common law and the European civil law tradition of the Legal State (Rechtsstaat). The Rule of Law and the Legal State are fundamental safeguards of human dignity and of the legitimacy of the state and the authority of state prescriptions.
This book introduces computational proximity (CP) as an algorithmic approach to finding nonempty sets of points that are either close to each other or far apart. Typically in computational proximity, the book starts with some form of proximity space (topological space equipped with a proximity relation) that has an inherent geometry. In CP, two types of near sets are considered, namely, spatially near sets and descriptivelynear sets. It is shown that connectedness, boundedness, mesh nerves, convexity, shapes and shape theory are principal topics in the study of nearness and separation of physical aswell as abstract sets. CP has a hefty visual content. Applications of CP in computer vision, multimedia, brain activity, biology, social networks, and cosmology are included. The book has been derived from the lectures of the author in a graduate course on the topology of digital images taught over the past several years. Many of the students have provided important insights and valuable suggestions. The topics in this monograph introduce many forms of proximities with a computational flavour (especially, what has become known as the strong contact relation), many nuances of topological spaces, and point-free geometry.