17 produits trouvés
"Un Batman qui rit est un Batman qui gagne toujours." Après les événements de BATMAN - METAL, épuisé et blessé, Bruce Wayne doit cependant se préparer à l'irruption de nouvelles menaces au sein de l'univers DC. Le Chevalier Noir découvre avec stupéfaction que Le Batman Qui Rit a survécu à son affrontement avec le Joker et qu'il planifie une nouvelle stratégie susceptible de déséquilibrer le Multivers. Pour venir à bout de cette sombre version de lui-même, Batman devra peut-être briser sa seule règle inviolable... Contient The Batman Who Laughs #1-7 + Grim Knight
Batman Tome 9 : la relève Tome 2
Scott Snyder, Brian Azzarello, Jock, Yanick Paquette, Greg Capullo
- Urban Comics
- DC Renaissance
- 20 Septembre 2019
- 9791026831655
Le commissaire Gordon est devenu, grâce à la technologie des entreprises Powers, le nouveau Chevalier Noir de Gotham. Mais le monstrueux Mr Bloom est bien décidé à prendre le contrôle de la ville. En paix avec lui-même et amoureux de Julie Madison, Bruce Wayne acceptera-t-il d'endosser à nouveau le costume qui l'a conduit dans une croisade solitaire contre le crime ? (Contient Batman - New 52 #46-52)
Batman - sombre reflet : Intégrale Tomes 1 et 2
Scott Snyder, Francesco Francavilla, Jock
- Urban Comics
- DC Deluxe
- 20 Septembre 2019
- 9791026832119
Tandis que Batman enquête sur une étrange vente aux enchères dans le milieu de la pègre de Gotham, le fils psychotique du Commissaire Gordon fait sa réapparition. Si ce dernier aimerait pouvoir faire à nouveau confiance à son fils, la personnalité trouble du jeune homme ravive cependant chez Gordon de douloureux souvenirs. (Contient Detective Comics #871-881)
Batman Tome 8 : la relève Tome 1
Brian Azzarello, Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo, Jock
- Urban Comics
- DC Renaissance
- 20 Septembre 2019
- 9791026831624
Bruce Wayne a disparu corps et biens depuis l'assaut vicieux du Joker contre Gotham City. La ville se trouve désormais sans protecteur. La compagnie Powers International décide alors de créer un nouveau Batman, vêtu d'une armure de combat dernier cri. Leur choix pour l'endosser se porte sur l'allié le plus fidèle du Chevalier Noir : James Gordon, l'ancien commissaire ! (Contient Batman - New 52 #41-45, Free Comic Book Day 2015: DC Comics Divergence #1 + Batman Annual #4)
Le Batman qui rit Tome 2 : les infectés
Scott Snyder, Jock
- Urban Comics
- DC Rebirth
- 4 Juillet 2022
- 9791026850830
Rescapé de l'affrontement final entre la Justice League et les Chevaliers corrompus du Multivers Noir, le Batman Qui Rit rassemble depuis les éléments d'un plan machiavélique visant à s'emparer de notre dimension. Utilisant les pouvoirs du Multivers noir, il parvient à corrompre six héros de la Terre qu'il ne va pas tarder à opposer aux deux plus grands protecteurs du monde : Superman et Batman ! Batman/Superman #1-5 + Black Adam: Year of The Villain #1 + The Infected: King Shazam + The Infected: Scarab + The Infected: Deathbringer + The Infected: The Commissioner + Supergirl Annual #2
Entre Robinson Crusoé et Le Silence des Agneaux.1797. Sur une plage près de la colonie de Sydney, un bateau de pêche prend à son bord trois naufragés hagards et gravement blessés. Ils ont marché sur des centaines de kilomètres dans un pays dont les coutumes et le peuple leur sont totalement inconnus. En chemin, ils ont perdu quatorze membres de l'équipage. Et surtout, leur récit de la catastrophe diverge...
C'est au lieutenant Joshua Grayling que revient la tâche d'enquêter sur leur histoire. Il finit par comprendre que ces quatorze morts ont été orchestrées par un seul et même esprit calculateur et tandis que le périple des marins se révèle dans toute son horreur, il s'interroge : et si l'impitoyable tueur représentait une menace pour sa propre famille ? -
All star Batman Tome 2 : terres extrêmes
Scott Snyder, Jock, Francesco Francavilla, Collectif
- Urban Comics
- DC Rebirth
- 9 Mai 2022
- 9791026848868
Un fléau menace la planète : le résultat d'un plan méticuleusement pensé par un redoutable adversaire du Chevalier Noir. Affrontant tour à tour Mister Freeze, Poison Ivy et le Chapelier Fou, Batman tente de remonter la piste de ce criminel de grande envergure. De son côté, Duke Thomas perfectionne ses talents de détective face au terrible Sphinx ! Contient All Star Batman vol.2: Ends of Earth (#6-9)
Oliver Queen était un millionnaire débauché qui ne s'intéressait qu'à lui-même, jusqu'au jour où il se retrouva naufragé sur une île. La quête pour sa survie l'amènera à découvrir sa véritable vocation : justicier. Les origines du héros par le tandem artistique des Losers, reprises récemment par la série TV ARROW. (Contient GREEN ARROW YEAR ONE #1-6)
Superman : american alien
Max Landis, Jae Lee, Jock, Nick Dragotta
- Urban Comics
- DC Deluxe
- 11 Novembre 2019
- 9791026835615
Il y a des années, Clark Kent, envoyé de la planète Krypton après la destruction de cette dernière, a été recueilli et élevé par les Kent, un couple de fermiers du Kansas. Dès lors, sa jeunesse et son adolescence ont été marquées par la découverte et l'apprentissage de ses pouvoirs et des responsabilités qui en découlent. Mais, à son arrivée à Metropolis, sa rencontre avec le justicier masqué Batman et avec la journaliste Lois Lane, va l'inspirer à utiliser ses dons à une plus grande échelle. (contient Superman: American Alien #1-7)
Le jeune Jake Dobson menait jusqu'ici la vie paisible d'un employé de comic shop à San Francisco. Rien ne semblait devoir troubler ce quotidien jusqu'au jour où il trouva un téléphone portable contenant les photos d'un meurtre. Après une série de très mauvaises décisions, Jake se retrouve à fuir pour sa propre vie, pourchassé par un tueur professionnel obsédé à l'idée d'effacer toute trace de son dernier contrat.
Global Teachers, Australian Perspectives
Carol Reid, Michael Singh, Jock Collins
- Springer
- 4 Septembre 2013
- 9789814451369
This is the first book on global teachers and the increasingly important phenomenon of `brain circulation' in the global teaching profession. A teaching qualification is a passport to an international professional career: the global teacher is found in more and more classrooms around the world today. It is a two-way movement. This book looks at the growing importance of immigrant teachers in western countries today and at teachers who exit from western countries (emigrant teachers) seeking teaching experience in other countries. Drawing on the international literature in Europe, North America, Asia and elsewhere supplemented by rich insights derived from recent Australian research, the book outlines the personal, institutional and structural processes nationally and internationally underlying the increasing global circulation of teachers. It identifies the key drivers of global teacher mobility: a range of factors including family, lifestyle, classroom experience, travel, opportunities for advancement, discipline, linguistic skills, taxation rates, cultural factors and institutional frameworks and policy support. The book is the first detailed contemporary account of the experiences of Australian immigrant and emigrant teachers in the schools and communities where they teach and live. It makes an important and original theoretical and empirical contribution to the contemporary fields of sociology of education and immigration studies.
Politics and Emotions in Romantic Periodicals
William Christie, Jock Macleod, Peter Denney
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 20 Décembre 2019
- 9783030324674
This book comprises eleven essays by leading scholars of early nineteenth-century British literature and periodical culture. The collection addresses the many and varied links between politics and the emotions in Romantic periodicals, from the revolutionary decade of the 1790s, to the 1832 Reform Bill. In so doing, it deepens our understanding of the often conflicted relations between politics and feelings, and raises questions relevant to contemporary debates on affect studies and their relation to political criticism.
The respective chapters explore both the politics of emotion and the emotional register of political discussion in radical, reformist and conservative periodicals. They are arranged chronologically, covering periodicals from Pigs' Meat to Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine and the Spectator. Recurring themes include the contested place of emotion in radical political discourse; the role of the periodical in mediating action and performance; the changing affective frameworks of cultural politics (especially concerning gender and nation), and the shifting terrain of what constitutes appropriate emotion in public political discourse. -
Mining Gold and Manufacturing Ignorance
Jock Mcculloch, Pavla Miller
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 20 Mars 2023
- 9789811983276
This open access book charts how South Africa's gold mines have systematically suppressed evidence of hazardous work practices and the risks associated with mining.For most of the twentieth century, South Africa was the world's largest producer of gold. Although the country enjoyed a reputation for leading the world in occupational health legislation, the mining companies developed a system of medical surveillance and workers' compensation which compromised the health of black gold miners, facilitated the spread of tuberculosis, and ravaged the communities and economies of labour-sending states. The culmination of two decades of meticulous archival research, this book exposes the making, contesting, and unravelling of the companies' capacity to shape - and corrupt - medical knowledge.
Community, Culture, Commerce
Marcus Foth, Jock Mcqueenie, Greg Hearn
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 13 Décembre 2023
- 9789819978892
As digital environments become increasingly individualised, instant, ubiquitous, and disintermediated, this book demonstrates the continuing relevance of intermediaries at the intersection of design, creativity, community engagement, and corporate social responsibility. The authors examine intermediaries as enablers of mutual benefit and offer a proactive, interventionist, and holistic approach to intermediation practice that steps beyond design thinking. By means of case studies that employ the 3C project design methodology-Community, Culture, Commerce-the authors provide an accessible introduction to intermediation at the nexus of theory and practice and signpost new opportunities for researchers and practitioners in the post-COVID environment.
La loi ne fait plus le bonheur... mais une nouvelle approche est possible
Francoise Bousquet, Stephane Jock
- Editions L'Harmattan
- 18 Mai 2020
- 9782336900469
Notre pays est marqué par une forte culture de la loi. Cette dernière a contribué au rayonnement de la France : l'innovation du Code Napoléon (1804) ne réside pas seulement dans la codification du droit, mais aussi dans sa simplification. Les règles de droit deviennent claires et simples. Cependant, l'époque actuelle est marquée par l'inflation législative et réglementaire. Les textes s'accumulent, sont peu clairs, voire se contredisent. Pourtant, des solutions existent. Cet ouvrage s'intéresse à la normalisation, solution méconnue et pourtant très puissante à même de lutter contre l'inflation de textes. Elle constitue également un outil d'intelligence économique indispensable pour que notre pays maintienne sa place dans le monde.
'Immersing himself in the whirling uncertainty of late modernity, confronting its odd deformities of essentialism and exclusion, Jock Young has produced a comprehensive account of contemporary trouble, anxiety, and transgression. If this is criminology-and it's surely criminology of the best sort-it is a criminology able to account not just for crime and inequality, but for the cultural and the economic, for the existential and the ontological as well. Perhaps most importantly, it is a criminology designed to discover in these intersecting social dynamics real possibilities for critique, hope, and human transformation. Jock Young's The Vertigo of Late Modernity is a work of sweeping-dare I say, dizzying-intellect and imagination.'
- Professor Jeff Ferrell, Texas Christian University, USA, and University of Kent, UK
'This is precisely what readers would expect from the author of two instant classics: a book that is bound to become the third. As is his habit, Jock Young launches a frontal attack on the 'commonsense' of social studies and its tacit assumptions - as common as they are misleading. Futility of the 'inclusion vs exclusion', 'contented vs insecure', or indeed 'normal vs deviant' oppositions in the globalised and mediatized world is exposed and the subtle yet thorough interpenetration of cultures and porosity of boundaries demonstrated beyond reasonable doubt. The newly coined analytical categories, like chaos of rewards and chaos of identity, existential vertigo, bulimic society or conservative vs liberal modes of othering are bound to become an indispensable part of social scientific vernacular - and let's hope that they will, for the sanity and relevance of the social sciences' sake'
- Zygmunt Bauman, Emeritus Professor of Sociology, University of Leeds
'Jock Young is one of the great figures in the history of criminology. In this book he prises open paradoxes of identity in late modernity. We experience an emphasis on individualism in an era when shallow soil forms a foundation for self-development. Young deftly analyses shifts in conditions of work and consumption and the insecurities they engender. This is a perceptive reformulation of job, family and community in late modernity'
- Professor John Braithwaite, Australian National University
The Vertigo of Late Modernity is a seminal new work by Jock Young, author of the bestselling and highly influential book, The Exclusive Society.
In his new work Young describes the sources of late modern vertigo as twofold: insecurities of status and of economic position. He explores the notion of an underclass and its detachment from the class structure. The book engages with the ways in which modern society attempts to explain deviant behaviour - whether it be crime, terrorism or riots - in terms of motivations and desires separate and distinct from those of the 'normal'. Young critiques the process of othering whether of a liberal or conservative variety, and develops a theory of 'vertigo' to characterise a late modern world filled with inequality and division. He points toward a transformative politics which tackle problems of economic injustice and build and cherish a society of genuine diversity.
This major new work engages with some of the most important issues facing society today. The Vertigo of Late Modernity is essential reading for academics and advanced students in the areas of criminology, sociology, cultural studies, anthropology and the social sciences more broadly. -
Cultural Criminology
Jock Young, Jeff Ferrell, Keith J. Hayward
- SAGE Publications Ltd
- 20 Mai 2015
- 9781473927315
Cultural Criminology: An Invitation traces the history, theory, methodology and future direction of cultural criminology. Drawing on issues of representation, meaning and politics, this book walks you through the key areas that make up this fascinating approach to the study of crime. The second edition has been fully revised to take account of recent developments in this fast developing field, thereby keeping you up-to-date with the issues facing cultural criminologists today. It includes: A new chapter on war, terrorism and the state New sections on cultural criminology and the politics of gender, and green cultural criminology Two new and expanded chapters on research methodology within the field of cultural criminology Further Reading suggestions and a list of related films and documentaries at the end of each chapter, enabling you to take your studies beyond the classroom New and updated vignettes, examples, and visual illustrations throughout Building on the success of the first edition, Cultural Criminology: An Invitation offers a vibrant and cutting-edge introduction to this growing field. It will encourage you to adopt a critical and contemporary approach to your studies in criminology. First edition: 2009 Distinguished Book Award from the American Society of Criminology's Division of International Criminology