10 produits trouvés
Les tourments de Double Face
Paul Jenkins, Jae Lee
- Urban Comics
- DC Nemesis
- 25 Novembre 2019
- 9791026837282
Une série de meurtres particulièrement sauvages plonge Gotham dans une terreur plus profonde que d'ordinaire. Le mode opératoire des carnages semble désigner comme suspect potentiel Double-Face, autrefois connu comme le procureur Harvey Dent et aujourd'hui fugitif, échappé de l'asile d'Arkham. En pleine crise de démence, Dent se débat avec sa double identité, chacune de ses personnalités cherchant à d'éliminer l'autre. En plein combat contre Batman et contre lui-même, le criminel perd peu à peu tout contact avec la réalité. (contient Jekyll & Hyde #1-6 )
This book provides an essential understanding of statistical concepts necessary for the analysis of genomic and proteomic data using computational techniques. The author presents both basic and advanced topics, focusing on those that are relevant to the computational analysis of large data sets in biology. Chapters begin with a description of a statistical concept and a current example from biomedical research, followed by more detailed presentation, discussion of limitations, and problems. The book starts with an introduction to probability and statistics for genome-wide data, and moves into topics such as clustering, classification, multi-dimensional visualization, experimental design, statistical resampling, and statistical network analysis. Clearly explains the use of bioinformatics tools in life sciences research without requiring an advanced background in math/statistics Enables biomedical and life sciences researchers to successfully evaluate the validity of their results and make inferences Enables statistical and quantitative researchers to rapidly learn novel statistical concepts and techniques appropriate for large biological data analysis Carefully revisits frequently used statistical approaches and highlights their limitations in large biological data analysis Offers programming examples and datasets Includes chapter problem sets, a glossary, a list of statistical notations, and appendices with references to background mathematical and technical material Features supplementary materials, including datasets, links, and a statistical package available online Statistical Bioinformatics is an ideal textbook for students in medicine, life sciences, and bioengineering, aimed at researchers who utilize computational tools for the analysis of genomic, proteomic, and many other emerging high-throughput molecular data. It may also serve as a rapid introduction to the bioinformatics science for statistical and computational students and audiences who have not experienced such analysis tasks before.
This book examines the signal processing perspective in haptic teleoperation systems. This text covers the topics of prediction, estimation, architecture, data compression and error correction that can be applied to haptic teleoperation systems. The authors begin with an overview of haptic teleoperation systems, then look at a Bayesian approach to haptic teleoperation systems. They move onto a discussion of haptic data compression, haptic data digitization and forward error correction.
Materials and Processes for Solar Fuel Production
Balasubramanian Viswanathan, Vaidyanathan (Ravi) Subramanian, Jae Sung Lee
- Springer
- 9 Octobre 2014
- 9781493916283
This book features different approaches to non-biochemical pathways for solar fuel production. This one-of-a-kind book addresses photovoltaics, photocatalytic water splitting for clean hydrogen production and CO2 conversion to hydrocarbon fuel through in-depth comprehensive contributions from a select blend of established and experienced authors from across the world. The commercial application of solar based systems, with particular emphasis on non-PV based devices have been discussed. This book intends to serve as a primary resource for a multidisciplinary audience including chemists, engineers and scientists providing a one-stop location for all aspects related to solar fuel production. The material is divided into three sections: Solar assisted water splitting to produce hydrogen; Solar assisted CO2 utilization to produce green fuels and Solar assisted electricity generation. The content strikes a balance between theory, material synthesis and application with the central theme being solar fuels.
Normalismus und Sexualitaet
Jae-Jong Lee
- Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- 25 Août 2011
- 9783653009309
Mit dem Ansatz von Normalismus und Sexualität versucht diese Studie, Texte Heiner Müllers und ihre Diskursstrategien aus unterschiedlichen Genres und Werkphasen zu analysieren. Sie verbindet die Analyse mit einem theoretischen Apparat, der sich der Konzepte Michel Foucaults, deren Adaption durch Jürgen Link sowie weiterer Theorieelemente (besonders der gender-studies) bedient. Die Tendenzwende bei Müller versteht die Autorin als eine Alternative, um Potenziale einer Denormalisierung im Gegenzug zu Tendenzen des Normalismus in Ost und West zu suchen. Danach wird ein Diskurs des Anderen entwickelt, der eine Abwehr von Instrumentalisierung ermglichen soll. Müllers dramatischer Diskurs zeigt aber keine Anwendung des Anderen, sondern eine Leerstelle, wo die symmetrische Beziehung ermglicht wird. Müllers Drama wird vom aktiven Zuschauer immer wiederholt und muss deshalb nicht als statischer Zustand, sondern als Bewegung, als Arbeit mit Widersprüchen aufgefasst werden.
This book presents the scientific evidence for the role of vitamin C in health and disease and offers new guidance on vitamin C intake in humans. The importance of vitamin C in preventing cancer and cardiovascular disease, its relevance to aging and stress, and its impacts on each of the human body systems are thoroughly assessed on the basis of the author's extensive research and his deep understanding, as an anatomy professor, of the body as a whole. Findings published in the international scientific literature are fully taken into account, and due consideration is also given to empirical evidence, bearing in mind that mechanisms of action cannot always be precisely defined in the absence of human experiments. Beyond providing an up-to-date scientific perspective on the effects of vitamin C, the author hopes to promote human health worldwide by encouraging proper use of the vitamin. To this end, recommendations are made on the amount of vitamin C that should be taken dailyand on the best way to take it. The book will be of interest to researchers, clinicians, and all others who wish to learn more about this vitamin and its significance.
Principles and Choice of Laser Treatment in Dermatology
Jae Dong Lee, Jong Kook Lee, Min Jin Maya Oh
- Springer
- 20 Octobre 2020
- 9789811565564
This book describes the principles of laser treatment in dermatology and, taking into account these principles, provides clinicans with clear, up-to-date guidance on choice of the appropriate laser and parameters for different skin conditions. The aim is to provide a gold standard laser reference book that will meet the needs of those who are already performing laser surgery as well as novices to the field. Readers will find readily understandable coverage of both basic and advanced laser theory. Based on this theory, the authors proceed to explain all the considerations that need to be taken into account when choosing laser systems and parameters for a variety of indications, including all relevant vascular and pigmented lesions and the removal of hair, scars, and tattoos. Close attention is paid to the skin characteristics of Asians and the impacts of these characteristics on parameter selection. In addition, a separate chapter is devoted to the efficacy and safety of laser treatmentof melasma, a common disease in Asians.
The Quality of Democracy in Korea
Eun-Jeung Lee, Hannes B. Mosler, Hak-Jae Kim
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 15 Novembre 2017
- 9783319639192
This edited volume assesses the quality of democracy in the Republic of Korea three decades after its formal democratization in 1987. It has been argued that Korea's two subsequent power turnovers prove that its democracy has been successfully consolidated, despite its tremendous progress; however, recent developments show signs of deterioration and retreat. Therefore, drawing on the recent quality of democracy literature this volume sets out to answer the question: Where does Korea's democratic quality stand today? The three chapters in first section of the book focus on aspects related to the presidency, political parties, and organized labor, also including the perspective of governance and human security as well as on the rule of law regarding the role and function of the prosecution. This is followed by a set of four chapters in section two that address the dimensions of democratic quality such as participation, freedom, equality, and responsiveness. The final, third section includes contributions on related inter-Korean policy issues. This book is an invaluable resource for political and social scientist working on democratic quality, and at the same for scholars in Asian or Korean Studies at faculty level as well as on graduate student level.
Theorie und Praxis des Chors in der Moderne
Jae Min Lee
- Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- 2 Mai 2013
- 9783653027464
Die neueren Zeiten kennen den Chor kaum mehr als Bestandteil der Festkultur, deswegen ist seine Umsetzung im Theater ein großes Problem. Für Regisseure und Schauspieler wie auch für die Zuschauer war der Chor der fremdartigste Teil. Allerdings haben seit der deutschen Klassik Theatermacher dem Chor intensive Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt. Der Chor ist dabei nicht nur ein dramaturgisches Mittel, um eine Distanz zwischen Bühne und Zuschauer zu wahren, sondern auch ein wichtiges Mittel zur Herstellung einer neuen Theater- und Zuschauerkunst. Der Rekurs auf das antike Vorbild zielt somit nicht auf die Wiederbelebung dieses Vorbilds um seiner selbst willen, sondern auf die Erffnung neuer Mglichkeiten für das moderne Theater im Ringen um ein neues Theaterkonzept. Unter diesem Gesichtspunkt analysiert die vorliegende Studie die hchst differenzierten Chorkonzepte der Moderne.
Stroke Revisited: Vascular Cognitive Impairment
Seung-Hoon Lee, Jae-Sung Lim
- Springer
- 10 Février 2020
- 9789811014338
This book presents state of the art knowledge on vascular cognitive impairment (VCI). The focus is in particular on two major representative clinical syndromes of VCI: subcortical VCI and post-stroke cognitive impairment. Individual chapters address a wide range of topics and issues, providing up-to-date information on epidemiology, cognitive evaluation, pathophysiology, established and emerging neuroimaging biomarkers, amyloid imaging, serum and genetic biomarkers, prognosis, prevention, and treatment. The accompanying illustrations and photos enable the reader to achieve a ready understanding of the contents and to retrieve fundamental information quickly. The book will be an invaluable resource for stroke physicians, surgeons, and students wishing to learn more about the latest advances, from efforts to harmonize neuropsychological evaluation and improvements in diagnostic criteria through to the role of advanced neuroimaging techniques in deepening understanding of VCI and progresstoward more targeted treatment.