Francis Bacon
This richly annotated second edition of the now-classic pairing of Bacon's masterpieces, New Atlantis and The Great Instauration features the addition of other works by Bacon, including "The Idols of the Mind," Of Unity in Religion" and "Of the True Greatness of Kingdoms and Estates," as well a Summary of the each work and Questions for the reader. S
Includes works new to the second edition, including "The Idols of the Mind," "Of Unity in Religion," and "Of the True Greatness of Kingdoms and Estates" Updates the layout of the previous edition with a more generous interior design, making this work more student-friendly and easier to navigate in the classroom Each work is introduced and subsequently discussed, revealing the importance of Bacon's work to his contemporaries as well as to modern readers Includes a comprehensive introduction and annotations throughout the text; as well as an appendix of Principal Dates in the Life of Sir Francis Bacon; a selected bibliography; and synopses and questions to accompany each work -
Published in 1605, Sir Francis Bacon's `The Advancement of Learning' is a ground-breaking philosophical work that outlines his empirical scientific method. Addressed to King James I, this two book treatise argues the importance of utilising observable facts over reason or feeling in science. Cutting through the noise of the English Renaissance, Bacon clearly and concisely explains his ideas for human progress, and where scientific thought could take us.
Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626) was an English author, philosopher, and statesman. A prolific author, his work has spanned science, religion and literary fiction. His work has had a profound impact on science, and he is often regarded as `The Father of Empiricism'. His most important books, `Novum Organum' and `New Atlantis' have a significant legacy. `Novum Organum' was heavily influential to 17th century scholars, particularly Sir Thomas Browne who utilised `The Baconian Method' for much of his encyclopaedia `Pseudodoxia Epidemica'. `Salomon's House' from `The New Atlantis' was frequently used as inspiration for the establishment of `The Royal Society', the United Kingdom's national academy for sciences. -
Sir Francis Bacon's `The New Atlantis' is an Early Modern Utopian novel that explores an idealised view of what human progress can achieve. The novel centres around the Utopian Island of `Bensalem' and its inhabitants, who embody Bacon's dreams for humanity through their kind-hearted, enlightened, and communal spirit. Throughout this work, Bacon demonstrates the importance of religious freedom in Christian society, as well as the integration of science and `The Baconian Method' into education. `Salomon's House' represents the apex of Bacon's vision, a modern research university that focuses on the cutting edge of scientific discovery. `The New Atlantis' was published posthumously in 1628, never completed. Despite this, it still offers a rich vision of what `The Father of Empiricism' believed humanity could become. `The New Atlantis' remains one of the most important works of Utopic Fiction, alongside Sir Thomas More's `Utopia'.
Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626) was an English author, philosopher, and statesman. A prolific author, his work has spanned science, religion and literary fiction. His work has had a profound impact on science, and he is often regarded as `The Father of Empiricism'. His most important books, `Novum Organum' and `New Atlantis' have a significant legacy. `Novum Organum' was heavily influential to 17th century scholars, particularly Sir Thomas Browne who utilised `The Baconian Method' for much of his encyclopaedia `Pseudodoxia Epidemica'. `Salomon's House' from `The New Atlantis' was frequently used as inspiration for the establishment of `The Royal Society', the United Kingdom's national academy for sciences. -
100 Quotes by Francis Bacon: Great Philosophers & Their Inspiring Thoughts
Francis Bacon
- Saga Egmont
- 1 Avril 2022
- 9782821107366
Sir Francis Bacon had a tremendous impact on science and philosophy during the scientific revolution in XVIIth-century England. He was the first to argue for a skeptical and methodical approach in science, based on careful observation of events in nature, and founded on induction. His work, firmly grounded in empiricism to prevent projection of one's preferred hypothesis, made him the father of scientific method. This was a groundbreaking turn of events at the time, and is still the basis of the scientific framework today. We have selected for you 100 of his most influential quotes, for you to discover the inner workings of an honest scientific mind, and get inspired by his straightforward approach.
100 citations de Francis Bacon
Francis Bacon
- Saga Egmont
- Collection 100 citations
- 1 Avril 2022
- 9782821105447
Pas de méthode scientifique moderne sans Sir Francis Bacon. Son oeuvre s'inscrit dans le cadre de la révolution scientifique, qui prit son essor au XVIIe siècle en Angleterre et décida de toute l'évolution de la pensée philosophique et scientifique. C'est à lui que l'on doit l'idée d'une approche méthodique, fondée sur l'observation prudente des faits de la nature. Il fut le premier à défendre l'idée de l'empirisme comme base du travail scientifique, afin d'éviter la projection et les distorsions dûes à une préférence pour l'une ou l'autre hypothèse. Cette approche révolutionnaire pour l'époque est aujourd'hui au fondement de l'approche scientifique moderne. Découvrez 100 citations choisies parmi ses plus influentes, portrait d'un esprit scientifique lucide et source d'inspiration.
The Wisdom of the Ancients, A Series of Mythological Fables (Unabridged)
Francis Bacon
- Everest Media LLC
- 13 Juin 2024
- 9798330006144
In the tapestry of time, where wisdom weaves its intricate threads, lies "The Wisdom of the Ancients." Sir Francis Bacon, a master of prose, unveils a treasure trove of mythological fables, each a shimmering jewel reflecting the profound insights of our ancestors.
Through these enchanting tales, Bacon illuminates the hidden truths that shape our world. From the cunning of the fox to the wisdom of the owl, from the transformative power of the phoenix to the enduring strength of the lion, these fables offer a timeless guide to the human condition. Prepare to embark on a journey where myth and meaning intertwine, revealing the enduring wisdom that has guided humanity for centuries. -
Le philosophe Francis Bacon (1521-1626) est l'un des pionniers de la pensée scientifique moderne. Comparable à Descartes, et peut-être méconnu en France pour cela même, son oeuvre s'étend de l'épistémologie à l'éthique en passant par la métaphysique. l'intégralité de son oeuvre, indisponible en France depuis de nombreuses années, est grâce à ce volume de nouveau accessible.
1. L'homme, serviteur et interprète de la nature, n'agit et ne comprend que dans la proportion de ses découvertes expérimentales et rationnelles sur les lois de cette nature ; hors de là, il ne sait et ne peut plus rien.2. Ni la main seule, ni l'esprit abandonné à lui-même, n'ont grande puissance ; pour accomplir l'oeuvre, il faut des instruments et des secours dont l'esprit a tout autant besoin que la main. Et de même que les instruments physiques accélèrent et règlent le mouvement de la main, les instruments intellectuels facilitent ou disciplinent le cours de l'esprit.Fruit d'une sélection réalisée au sein des fonds de la Bibliothèque nationale de France, Collection XIX a pour ambition de faire découvrir des textes classiques et moins classiques dans les meilleures éditions du XIXe siècle.
De la justice universelle
Francis Bacon
- Editions L'Harmattan
- Épistémologie et philosophie des science
- 9 Octobre 2015
- 9782296152083
Nous publions en édition bilingue l'Essai d'un traité sur la justice universelle, comme il parut dans l'édition de 1824 accomplie par J.B. De Vauzelles, qui l'avait accompagné d'autres textes judiciaires de Bacon : Eléments du droit commun d'Angleterre, Des devoirs d'un juge, Discours au justicier Hutton, Avis à Sir Georges Villiers... enfin De la révision des lois anglaises. Dans ce texte majeur, De la justice universelle, Bacon met au jour les "lois des lois", autant ce qui préside à leur genèse que les principes pour les produire : la loi qui dicte la loi.
Les trois opuscules ici traduits (Production virile du siècle, Récusation des doctrines philosophiques, Pensées et vues sur l'interprétation de la nature), bien que publiés après la mort de Bacon, apparaissent comme autant d'esquisses de YInstauratio Magna. Inscrits dans le projet de la réforme du savoir, ils participent comme le reste de l'oeuvre proprement philosophique d'une ambition déçue : devant les obstacles institutionnels qui bloquent la réalisation du projet, il s'agit, en se bornant désormais au terrain théorique, de populariser les idées nouvelles. Le problème n'est plus de mettre au point un programme de reconstruction des sciences, mais bien de trouver un mode d'exposition susceptible d'emporter l'adhésion du public. Les opuscules peuvent dès lors être considérés comme autant d'« expériences » destinées à tester les réactions du lecteur et à évaluer les moyens de s'attirer la meilleure audience possible ; bref, comme trois variations littéraires sur un même thème, régies par trois modèles distincts, où l'urgence d'une prise nouvelle sur la nature requiert une expression opportune et la trouve. Dans tous les cas, la procédure classique de la réfutation (qui suppose un terrain commun où s'ouvre la discussion) s'estompe au bénéfice de la récusation (où la polémique globale tend à remplacer l'argumentation proprement dialectique) : une analyse critique des spectacles montés par la tradition y repère comme le théâtre des tendances ordinaires à l'esprit humain. Mais cette perspective demeure résolument méthodique, parallèle en cela du moins à la place que la logique traditionnelle réservait à la réfutation, dans la phase négative de sa stratégie. Car la dénonciation des idoles constitue déjà un premier pas dans la réforme du savoir.
The novel "New Atlantis" depicts the mythical island Bensalem, which is discovered by the crew of a European ship after they are lost in the Pacific Ocean somewhere west of Peru. The minimal plot serves the gradual unfolding of the island, its customs, but most importantly, its state-sponsored scientific institution, Salomon's House, "which house or college ... is the very eye of this kingdom."
50+ Classic collection. Political science
Sun Tzu, Lao Tzu, Plato, Marcus Aurelius, Niccolo Machiavelli, Thomas More, Tommaso Campanella, Francis Bacon, Thomas Pa
- Andrii Ponomarenko
- 2 Février 2023
- 9786177943791
Political science is the scientific study of politics. It is a social science dealing with systems of governance and power, and the analysis of political activities, political thought, political behavior, and associated constitutions and laws.
Sun Tzu. The Art of War
Lao Tzu. Tao Te Ching
Plato. The Republic
Aristotle. The Athenian Constitution
Marcus Aurelius. Meditations
Niccolo Machiavelli. The Prince
Thomas More. Utopia
Tommaso Campanella. The City of the Sun
Francis Bacon. The New Atlantis
Thomas Paine. Common Sense
Richard Henry Lee. Lee Resolution
Thomas Jefferson. Declaration of Independence
James Madison.
- Virginia Plan
- Constitution of the United States
- Bill of Rights
- Northwest Ordinance
George Washington. President George Washington's First Inaugural Speech
Great Historical Documents of the United States:
- Federal Judiciary Act
- Marbury v. Madison
- Articles of Confederation
- Treaty of Alliance with France
- Treaty of Paris
John Stuart Mil. Utilitarianism
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. The Communist Manifesto
Vladimir Lenin:
- The State and Revolution
- The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism
- Vladimir Lenin To the Citizens of Russia!
- Vladimir Lenin To Workers, Soldiers, and Peasants!
- Report on Peace
- Report on Land
- Decree on Abolishment of Capital Punishment
- Decree on Transfer of Power to the Soviets
- Decree on Establishment of the Workers' and Peasants' Government
- Decree on Elections for the Constituent Assembly
- Decree on Suppression of Hostile Newspapers
- Decree on Transfer of Food Control to Municipalities
- Decree on an Eight-Hour Working Day
- Decree on the Right to Issue Laws
- Resolution on the Right of Sovnarkom to Issue Decrees
- Decree on Social Insurance
- Declaration of the Rights of the People of Russia
- Decree on Organization of Volost Land Committees
- Decree on Transfer of Power and the Means of Production to the Toilers
- Decree Proclaiming Advertising a State Monopoly
- Decree Abolishing Classes and Civil Ranks
- Decree on Workers' Control
- Resolution on Relation of the Central Executive Committee to the Sovnarkom
- Decree on the Right to Call for Re-Elections
- Decree on Establishment of the Extraordinary Commission to Fight Counter-Revolution
- V. I. Lenin Note To F. E. Dzerzhinsky with a Draft of A Decree On Fighting Counter-Revolutionaries And Saboteurs
Rosa Luxemburg. Reform or Revolution
Peter Kropotkin. The Conquest of Bread
Emma Goldman. Anarchism: What It Really Stands For
Leon Trotsky. Fascism: What It Is and How to Fight It -
« Ceux qui ont osé parler dogmatiquement de la nature, comme d'un sujet exploré, soit que leur esprit trop confiant, ou leur vanité et l'habitude de parler en maîtres leur ait inspiré cette audace, ont causé un très-grand dommage à la philosophie et aux sciences. Commandant la foi avec autorité, ils surent, avec non moins de puissance, s'opposer et couper court à toute recherche, et, par leurs talents, ils rendirent moins service à la vérité qu'ils n'en compromirent la cause, en étouffant et corrompant à l'avance le génie des autres. Ceux qui suivirent le parti opposé et affirmèrent que l'homme ne peut absolument rien savoir, soit qu ils aient reçu cette opinion en haine des anciens sophistes, ou par suite des incertitudes de leur esprit, ou en vertu de quelque doctrine, ont présenté à l'appui de leur sentiment des raisons qui n'étaient nullement méprisables ; mais cependant ils ne l'avaient point tiré des véritables sources ; et emportés par leur zèle et une sorte d'affectation, ils tombèrent dans une exagération complète. Mais les premiers philosophes grecs (dont les écrits ont péri) se tinrent sagement entre l'arrogance du dogmatisme et le désespoir de l'acatalepsie1, et se répandant souvent en plaintes amères sur les difficultés des recherches et l'obscurité des choses, et comme mordant leur frein, ils n'en poursuivirent pas moins leur entreprise, et ne renoncèrent point au commerce qu'ils avaient lié avec la nature. Ils pensaient sans doute que pour savoir si l'homme peut arriver ou non à connaître la vérité, il est plus raisonnable d'en faire l'expérience que de discuter ; et cependant eux-mêmes, s'abandonnant aux mouvements de leur pensée, ne s'imposèrent aucune règle, et firent tout reposer sur la profondeur de leurs méditations, l'agitation et les évolutions de leur esprit. »
Fruit d'une sélection réalisée au sein des fonds de la Bibliothèque nationale de France, Collection XIX a pour ambition de faire découvrir des textes classiques et moins classiques dans les meilleures éditions du XIXe siècle. -
300 Quotes of Renaissance Philosophy: Montaigne, Bacon & Machiavelli
Niccolo Machiavelli, Francis Bacon, Michel De Montaigne
- Saga Egmont
- 1 Avril 2022
- 9782821109339
Become familiar with the most important Renaissance philosophers, Michel de Montaigne, Francis Bacon and Machiavelli, the author of The Prince. These figures have shaped Western philosophy; delve deep into their works and thoughts with a selection of the essential quotes introducing their major ideas and delineating the structure of their work with clarity.
500 citations des grands philosophes du XVIe siècle
Miguel De Cervantes, Léonard de vinci, Nicolas Machiavel, Michel De Montaigne, Francis Bacon
- Saga Egmont
- Collection Les meilleures citations
- 9 Juin 2022
- 9782821155022
500 citations des grands philosophes du XVIe siècle
300 citations de la philosophie de la Renaissance
Nicolas Machiavel, Francis Bacon, Michel De Montaigne
- Saga Egmont
- Collection Les meilleures citations
- 9 Juin 2022
- 9782821154698
300 citations de la philosophie de la Renaissance
Utopia. lassic collection. Philosophical and fiction works. From Plato to Bellamy
Plato, Thomas More, Tommaso Campanella, Francis Bacon, Edward Bellamy, Jonathan Swift, Jack London, Evgeny Zamyatin
- Andrii Ponomarenko
- 30 Novembre 2022
- 9786177943265
A utopia is an imagined community or society that possesses highly desirable or nearly perfect qualities for its citizens. The term was coined by Sir Thomas More for his 1516 book Utopia, describing a fictional island society in the south Atlantic Ocean off the coast of South America. The opposite of a utopia is a dystopia, which dominates the fictional literature. Dystopian fiction (sometimes combined with, but distinct from, apocalyptic fiction) offers the opposite: the portrayal of a setting that completely disagrees with the author's ethos.
This book contents:
The Republic by Plato
Utopia by Thomas More
The City of the Sun by Tommaso Campanella
The New Atlantis by Francis Bacon
Looking Backward: 2000 to 1887 by Edward Bellamy
Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift
The Iron Heel by Jack London
We by Evgeny Zamyatin -
Utopia. lassic collection. Philosophical and fiction works. From Plato to Orwell
Plato, Thomas More, Tommaso Campanella, Francis Bacon, Edward Bellamy, Jonathan Swift, Jack London, Evgeny Zamyatin, Géo
- Andrii Ponomarenko
- 30 Novembre 2022
- 9786177943272
A utopia is an imagined community or society that possesses highly desirable or nearly perfect qualities for its citizens. The term was coined by Sir Thomas More for his 1516 book Utopia, describing a fictional island society in the south Atlantic Ocean off the coast of South America. The opposite of a utopia is a dystopia, which dominates the fictional literature. Dystopian fiction (sometimes combined with, but distinct from, apocalyptic fiction) offers the opposite: the portrayal of a setting that completely disagrees with the author's ethos.
This book contents:
The Republic by Plato
Utopia by Thomas More
The City of the Sun by Tommaso Campanella
The New Atlantis by Francis Bacon
Looking Backward: 2000 to 1887 by Edward Bellamy
Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift
The Iron Heel by Jack London
We by Evgeny Zamyatin
Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell
Animal Farm by George Orwell -
300 citations de la philosophie de la Renaissance
Francis Bacon, Nicolas Machiavel, Michel De Montaigne
- Saga Egmont
- Les citations les plus inspirantes
- 1 Avril 2022
- 9782821111523
La Renaissance est une période cruciale de l'histoire des idées, dont la richesse incroyable a fondé les structures de la pensée moderne. Comprendre ses plus grands penseurs, c'est saisir le monde dans toute sa profondeur présente. Cette collection de citations rassemble les pensées les plus précieuses de trois figures majeures, les mieux placées pour résumer l'apport de cette période : introspection et plaisante sagesse avec Michel de Montaigne, stratégie politique et opportunisme avec Machiavel, et fondements de la méthode scientifique avec Sir Francis Bacon. Elle fournira aux amateurs de philosophie et de culture générale toutes les clefs pour vous approprier la période où sont nés les outils de pensée que nous utilisons encore aujourd'hui. Ce format concis et accessible est idéal pour la préparation aux examens et aux concours (bac, capes, agrégation...), la culture générale et le développement personnel.
500 Quotations from the Great Philosophers of the 16th Century
Miguel De Cervantes, Leonardo Da Vinci, Nicolas Machiavel, Michel De Montaigne, Francis Bacon
- Saga Egmont
- 9 Juin 2022
- 9782821179141
Known as the High Renaissance period, the philosophy of the 1500s leaned towards establishing the relationship between the human body and the human soul. Logic was waning as a philosophical ideal and, instead, the focus fell on human nature.
`500 Quotations from the Great Philosophers of the 16th Century' cherry-picks some of the most profound and insightful observations from some of the finest minds of that era.
A superb gift for history buffs and philosophy fans alike.
Miguel de Cervantes (1547 - 1616) was born in Spain and went on to become one of the most important figures in Spanish literature. His use of colloquialism and ordinary speech challenged the overblown structures of traditional literature of the time. Michel de Montaigne (1533 - 1592) was a French philosopher who pioneered the use of essays as a literary device.
Niccolò Machiavelli (1469 - 1527) was an Italian diplomat and philosopher who condoned the use of unscrupulous means in politics. Born in Italy, Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519) was an artist, inventor, scientist, and sculptor, who is best known for painting the `Mona Lisa,' while Francis Bacon (1909 - 1992) is best known as an existential artist. -
300 Quotations from Renaissance Philosophy
Nicolas Machiavel, Francis Bacon, Michel De Montaigne
- Saga Egmont
- 1 Avril 2022
- 9782821178816
`300 Quotations from Renaissance Philosophy' is a collection of insightful, educational, and inspiring quotes from some of the greatest ever renaissance philosophers, including French philosopher Michel de Montaigne and Italian philosopher Niccolò Machiavelli.
It also includes the words of English philosopher Francis Bacon whose famous quotes include, `It is impossible to love and to be wise' and `Knowledge is power'.
`300 Quotations from Renaissance Philosophy' is the perfect collection for those needing an extra dose of philosophical insight.
Michel de Montaigne (1533 - 1592) was one of the most important philosophers of the French Renaissance and is best known for popularising the essay as a literary genre.
Niccolò Machiavelli (1469 -1527) was an Italian diplomat, author, and philosopher best known for his political treatise, `The Prince' (Il Principe). Machiavelli has often been called the father of modern political philosophy and political science.
Francis Bacon (1561 - 1626) was an English philosopher and statesman, often called the father of empiricism. His works are considered to have contributed to the scientific method. -
The Classic of British literature. Illustrated
Geoffrey Chaucer, John Bunyan, William Shakespeare, Francis Bacon, John Milton, Jonathan Swift, Daniel Defoe, Jane Auste
- Andrii Ponomarenko
- 20 Avril 2023
- 9786178289454
British literature is literature from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man, and the Channel Islands.
Geoffrey Chaucer. The Canterbury Tales
John Bunyan. The Pilgrim's Progress
William Shakespeare. Sonnets
Frances Bacon. The New Atlantis
John Milton. Paradise Lost
Jonathan Swift. Gulliver's Travels
Daniel Defoe. Robinson Crusoe
Jane Austen. Pride and Prejudice
Charles Dickens. A Tale of Two Cities
Walter Scott. Ivanhoe
Mary W. Shelley. Frankenstein
Charlotte Bronte. Jane Eyre
Thomas Hardy. Tess of the d'Urbervilles
Joseph Conrad. Heart of Darkness
Robert Louis Stevenson. Treasure Island
Arthur Conan Doyle. The Hound of the Baskervilles
Lewis Carroll. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Oscar Wilde. The Picture of Dorian Gray
H. G. Wells. Time Machine
Virginia Woolf. The Voyage Out
George Orwell. Nineteen Eighty-Four
Josephine Tey. The Daughter of Time