Eun Jeung Lee
8 produits trouvés
South Korea's Democracy Challenge
Eun-Jeung Lee
- Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- 14 Février 2020
- 9783631809822
Thirty years have passed since in 1987 formal democratization was achieved in South Korea. Since then the country has undergone the two turnover test (Huntington), and it overcame economic, financial, and political crises. However, social inequality is higher than before democratization, social conflict has been exacerbating, and political polarization has been on the rise. South Korea's democracy has been going through a continuous stress test trying the polity's capacity to heal social conflict, integrate society, and mature politics as meeting these challenges is key to sustainable consolidation of democracy. The chapters of this edited volume, written by experts from South Korea and Germany in respective fields, examine the way in which South Korea has coped with these challenges in its political system, political economy, and political society since its transition to formal democracy, and provide a focused critical assessment of three decades after democratization.
Sowon - Konfuzianische Privatakademien in Korea
Eun-Jeung Lee
- Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- 10 Juin 2016
- 9783653952995
Sowon waren konfuzianische Privatakademien, die sich seit Mitte des 16. Jahrhunderts in Korea rasch verbreiteten. Sie waren Orte der Generierung, Weitergabe und Stabilisierung verschiedener Formen von Wissen, aber auch Institutionen mit eigenständigen Ordnungen, die ihr eigenes Funktionieren wie auch ihr Verständnis und ihren Umgang mit Wissen regulierten. Die Autorin analysiert, wie und in welcher Form das neokonfuzianische Wissen in den Sowon institutionalisiert und wie dieses institutionalisierte Wissen in der Praxis gehandhabt wurde. Sie untersucht sowohl die Akteure und Prozesse der Institutionalisierung als auch die Formen des Wissenstransfers innerhalb, zwischen und jenseits dieser konfuzianischen Privatakademien.
Intellectuals in Between
Eun-Jeung Lee, Marion Eggert, Vladimir Tikhonov
- Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- 5 Janvier 2023
- 9783631895672
During the decades around 1900, Koreans experienced a world falling apart and the need to quickly build a new one. Intellectuals naturally took centre stage in this era of epistemic paradigm change. This book is devoted to the study of the life and ideas of some of these intellectuals, focussing on how they dealt with the challenges of their times. Where did their respective moral and intellectual stances lead them, and what were the social, economic, and political constraints that bounded their trajectories? Their life stories provide micro-historical insights into a period that has been formative for modern and contemporary Korea, and illustrate the intellectual ferment inherent in an era of crisis and transition.
Facetten deutsch-koreanischer Beziehungen
Eun-Jeung Lee, Marion Eggert, Joerg Plassen
- Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- 21 Décembre 2016
- 9783631704998
Die Beiträge dieses Sammelbandes behandeln ausgewählte Facetten der gemeinsamen Geschichte Deutschlands und Koreas in Geschichte und Politik, Lebensumständen und Migration sowie Kultur und Lebenswelten. Beide Länder verstehen sich jeweils als das Herzstück Europas und Ostasiens und feierten im Jahre 2013 das 130. Jubiläum ihrer diplomatischen Beziehungen seit dem ersten offiziellen Vertrag vom 26. November 1883. Trotz ihrer geographischen Lage, geschichtlichen Entwicklung und weltpolitischen Bedingungen, gerade in jüngster Zeit, haben Deutschland und Korea bis heute ihre teils recht engen, teils aber auch etwas lockeren Beziehungen aufrechterhalten.
The Dynamics of Knowledge Circulation
Eun-Jeung Lee, Marion Eggert
- Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- 5 Août 2016
- 9783631693100
The book is about the evolution and transformation of knowledge and knowledge systems in the context of cultural contact. The articles take Korea as an example and deal with the configuration, dissemination and consolidation of knowledge in certain contexts of the past and present. Combining philological and social scientific approaches, this book is the result of a joint research project of the Korean Studies institutes at Freie Universität Berlin and Ruhr University Bochum pursued between 2009 and 2014.
The Quality of Democracy in Korea
Eun-Jeung Lee, Hannes B. Mosler, Hak-Jae Kim
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 15 Novembre 2017
- 9783319639192
This edited volume assesses the quality of democracy in the Republic of Korea three decades after its formal democratization in 1987. It has been argued that Korea's two subsequent power turnovers prove that its democracy has been successfully consolidated, despite its tremendous progress; however, recent developments show signs of deterioration and retreat. Therefore, drawing on the recent quality of democracy literature this volume sets out to answer the question: Where does Korea's democratic quality stand today? The three chapters in first section of the book focus on aspects related to the presidency, political parties, and organized labor, also including the perspective of governance and human security as well as on the rule of law regarding the role and function of the prosecution. This is followed by a set of four chapters in section two that address the dimensions of democratic quality such as participation, freedom, equality, and responsiveness. The final, third section includes contributions on related inter-Korean policy issues. This book is an invaluable resource for political and social scientist working on democratic quality, and at the same for scholars in Asian or Korean Studies at faculty level as well as on graduate student level.
Civil Society on the Move
Eun-Jeung Lee, Hannes B. Mosler
- Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- 26 Mars 2015
- 9783653978728
Following the transformation of the Soviet-controlled Eastern European system, there has been a renewal of discourses on civil society. The collection of essays discusses this complicated and controversial concept and explores the possibility of new approaches for the study of Korean civil society and democracy. Combining interdisciplinary and transregional research, it contributes directly to the field of democracy after democratization and sheds light on concepts of civil society, developments of various civil society organizations and student movements in Germany, Korea, and Eastern Europe.
Lost and Found in «Translation»
Eun-Jeung Lee, Hannes B. Mosler
- Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften
- 19 Janvier 2015
- 9783653990287
This book analyzes policy translation and its ends, how the concept of translation explains the emergence and (ex-)changes of policy ideas in different places and/or across borders in general, as well as the effectiveness of this concept in analyzing cases of actual policy dissemination. This book discusses these questions on a general theoretical level and within the context of actual policies and laws mainly between South Korea and Germany. South Korea is widely considered a typical example of a reforming country that is on the receiving end of disseminations of policies and ideas from advanced countries. From this point of view, it constitutes a highly interesting case for testing the applicability of the translation approach. The basic idea of this book is to analyze how different actors in different contexts and settings adopt varying interpretations and understandings of an idea, and how well the analytical concept of translation can be utilized for this endeavor.