Erik Larsen
Alors que Peter Parker jongle entre sa vie d'homme marié et ses activités de super-héros, les pires ennemis de Spider-Man préparent leur revanche. En effet, le Docteur Octopus a réuni six d'entre eux pour reformer les Sinister Six. Heureusement, le Tisseur peut compter sur ses alliés pour lui prêter main-forte. Hulk, les Quatre Fantastiques et Ghost Rider ne seront pas les seuls à répondre à l'appel... Après un run de deux ans sur Amazing Spider-Man, Erik Larsen (Savage Dragon) scénarise et dessine Spider-Man, la deuxième série consacrée au Monte-en-l'air. [CET ALBUM CONTIENT LES ÉPISODES SPIDER-MAN (1990) 15 ET 18 À 23.]
Spider-Man vs les Sinister Six
Stan Lee, Steve Ditko, David Micheline, Erik Larsen, Howard Mackie, John Byrne, John Romita Jr
- Panini
- 8 Décembre 2021
- 9791039106986
Spider-Man n'a pas de mal à vaincre un seul super-criminel... Mais quand six de ses plus grands ennemis décident de faire équipe, l'issue du combat est plus incertaine ! Cet album rassemble les affrontements les plus captivants entre le Monteen- l'air et les Sinister Six, à commencer par leur première confrontation, suivie de deux autres chocs, publiés dans les années 90 et qui voient Venom s'associer à ce syndicat du crime. Les textes sont signés Stan Lee, David Michelinie et Howard Mackie, accompagnés au dessin par Steve Ditko, Erik Larsen, John Byrne et John Romita Jr. [CET ALBUM CONTIENT LES ÉPISODES AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (1963) ANNUAL 1, AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (1963) 338 ET 339, AMAZING SPIDER-MAN (1999) 12 AINSI QUE PETER PARKER: SPIDER-MAN (1999) 12.]
Spawn - renaissance Tome 3
Todd Mcfarlane, Erik Larsen
- Delcourt
- Contrebande
- 24 Mai 2017
- 9782413000945
Après avoir été mené la Grande Guerre Satanique en Enfer, Al Simmons est de retour sur Terre. Cette fois les démons ont disparu, les Anges sont morts. Et notre Spawn est... humain à nouveau ! Et il semble doté de nouveaux pouvoirs, à moins - au contraire - qu'il n'en ait plus aucun ! Le Savage Dragon et Ant ne seront sans doute pas de trop pour venir l'aider à combattre un nouvel ennemi terrifiant !
Spawn - renaissance Tome 2
Todd Mcfarlane, Erik Larsen, Szymon Kudranski, Jonboy Meyers
- Delcourt
- Contrebande
- 26 Octobre 2016
- 9782756092256
"Todd McFarlane s'associe à son partenaire d'Image Erik Larsen, le créateur de Savage Dragon pour reprendre en main les destinées de Spawn, son personnage fétiche ! Un formidable vent de fraicheur sur ce classique des comics !
Un messager de Satan est envoyé sur Terre afin de négocier avec Spawn. Al Simmons doit abandonner son costume afin de préserver l'âme de Wanda. Spawn refuse ce deal et combat le démon, ce qui entraine la mort de Wanda. Al assiste aux funérailles de l'amour de sa vie, mais fait face à un Terry Fitzerald, terrassé par la douleur d'avoir perdu sa femme. Al efface le souvenir de sa venue, mais n'a visiblement pas l'intention d'en rester là... -
Decision-making in Humanitarian Operations
Sebastian Villa, Gloria Urrea, Jaime Andres Castaneda, Erik R. Larsen
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 27 Novembre 2018
- 9783319915098
This book brings together research in humanitarian operations, behavioral operations and dynamic simulation. Part I outlines the main characteristics and strategic challenges of humanitarian organizations in preparedness, knowledge management, climate change and issues related to refugees and social inclusion. Part II gives an introduction to behavioral operations and experiments in single- and multi-agent settings, followed by discussions on quantal theory, framing effect and possible applications in the humanitarian sector. Part III introduces system dynamics and agent-based modeling and discusses how these techniques can be used to study dynamics and decision-making in humanitarian operations. This book is unique in providing a holistic view of the decision-making process and challenges in the humanitarian sector.
Reporting Public Opinion
Erik Gahner Larsen, Zoltan Fazekas
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 31 Juillet 2021
- 9783030753504
This book is about how opinion polls are reported in the media. Opinions polls are not reported in the media as unfiltered numbers, and some opinion polls are not reported at all. This volume demonstrates how opinion polls travel through several stages that eventually turn boring numbers into biased news in the media. The framework offered in this book helps to understand how some polls end up in the news coverage, and which systemic biases abound in the news media reports of opinion polls. In the end, a change narrative will be prominent in the reporting of opinion polls which contributes to what the general public sees and shares. The findings cover journalists, politicians, experts and the public, and how they all share a strong preference for change.
The essays collected in Tattooed Bodies draw on a range of theoretical paradigms and empirical knowledge to investigate tattoos, tattooing, and our complex relations with marks on skin. Engaging with diverse disciplinary perspectives in art history, continental philosophy, media studies, psychoanalysis, critical theory, literary studies, biopolitics, and cultural anthropology, the volume reflects the sheer diversity of meanings attributed to tattoos throughout history and across cultures. Essays explore conceptualizations of tattoos and tattooing in Derrida, Deleuze and Guattari, Lacan, Agamben, and Jean-Luc Nancy, while utilizing theoretical perspectives to interpret tattoos in literary works by Melville, Beckett, Kafka, Genet, and Jeff VanderMeer, among others. Tattooed Bodies prompts readers to explore a few significant questions: Are tattoos unique phenomena or an art medium in need of special theoretical exploration? If so, what conceptual paradigms and theories might best shape our understanding of tattoos and their complex ubiquity in world cultures and histories?
Socio-Spatial Theory in Nordic Geography
Peter Jakobsen, Erik Jonsson, Henrik Gutzon Larsen
- Springer
- 30 Mai 2022
- 9783031042348
This open access book is about socio-spatial theory in, and the nature of, Nordic geography. From both historical and contemporary perspectives, the book engages with theorisations of geography in the Nordic countries. Including chapters by geographers from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, it reflects how theories about the relations between the social and the spatial have been developed, adopted and critiqued in Nordic human geography in relation to a wide range of themes, concepts and approaches. The book also traces institutional developments, distinct geographical traditions and intellectual histories, as well as authors' own experiences as geographers in and beyond the Nordic area. The chapters together introduce and engage with debates and discussions that permeate Nordic geography and allows readers a glimpse of geographical thinking and the role of socio-spatial theory in the Nordic countries. By providing insights into how geographical ideas emerge, travel andare translated and adapted in specific contexts, the book contributes to debates about historical-geographical situatedness and theorisations of geography.