23 produits trouvés
À la fin du XIXe siècle, le professeur Adler Beck étudie les glaciers et les changements climatiques liés à l'éruption des volcans, aux courants marins et aux cycles solaires. Après des années de recherche, il arrive à la conclusion que la planète subira un refroidissement majeur dans le courant du XXIe siècle.
Pourtant, en 2050, le climat ne cesse de se réchauffer et la montée des eaux semble inéluctable. C'est en tout cas ce que constate au quotidien Chad Ramsey, qui vient d'être évincé de son poste de profileur pour la police. Juste avant son licenciement, on lui a implanté dans le crâne un moyen de communication révolutionnaire. Il va s'en servir pour aider son jumeau, Gregory, qui cherche à en savoir plus sur un grand-oncle qui aurait fait de la prison il y a bien longtemps.
Cet ancêtre serait-il Adolf Beck, le frère jumeau d'Adler, qui aurait connu un certain succès sur les scènes d'opéra d'Amérique du Sud ? À moins qu'il ne s'agisse d'un dénommé John Smith, condamné à cinq ans de travaux forcés pour escroquerie en 1877 ? La vérité pourrait bien remettre en question les certitudes de Chad.
Usurpation d'identité, gémellité, dérèglement climatique et réalité déformée... Avec le brio qu'on lui connaît, Christopher Priest tire parti de ses thèmes de prédilection pour se jouer de nos perceptions et de nos préjugés. Il hisse ainsi Rendez-vous demain au niveau de ses meilleures oeuvres, en particulier Le Prestige.
"C'est, en somme, la révolution industrielle et « Blade Runner »,le réalisme et l'anticipation, Dick et Dickens dans un même livre.
Sur le thème du double, de l'identité flottante et des intériorités échangées, le style classique et ample de Christopher Priest (photo) fait merveille. Il donne à réfléchir, à comprendre et surtout à questionner." L'Obs
"Partant d'un fait divers réel et reprenant ses thèmes de prédilection, le romancier tisse une intrigue au brio et à l'originalité ébouriffants." Lire -
2000. Ben Matson noue une relation passionnée avec Lilian Viklund. Il ne le sait pas encore mais, dans moins d'un an, la jeune femme aura disparu.
Plus de vingt ans après, le décès de Kyril Tatarov, un scientifique de renom que Matson a jadis interviewé, fait la une des journaux, alors que les débris de ce qui ressemble à un avion sont retrouvés dans l'Atlantique, à une centaine de miles des côtes américaines. Ces deux événements, a priori sans rapport, replongent inexorablement Ben dans les souvenirs de son histoire avec Lil. Se pourrait-il qu'il y ait un lien entre la disparition de la jeune femme, celle de Tatarov et celle d'un avion inconnu ? Et le monde que nous connaissons serait-il en train d'en subir les conséquences ?
Christopher Priest entremêle avec brio les différents fils de son histoire et l'Histoire. Conséquences d'une disparition propose une perspective nouvelle sur un événement récent et marquant de l'histoire contemporaine : les attentats du 11 septembre 2001. -
Avec l'aide de Gorgone, Karna , Crystal, Triton et, parfois, Maximus le Fou, Flèche Noire et Médusa règnent sur les Inhumains depuis des décennies. Mais avant le couronnement de ce couple, c'est l'Innommable qui dirigeait Attilan, lorsque les membres de l'actuelle famille royale n'étaient encore que des adolescents.
« À environ un tiers du marais se trouvaient les restes de l'avion allemand accidenté, peint de multiples nuances de brun et de vert, pétrifié dans le temps. Il s'était immobilisé lors du rebond, après un premier impact destructeur, à l'instant où il s'élevait dans la boue gelée parmi des panaches d'écume glacée. »
Héritier littéraire, à l'image de son compatriote J. G. Ballard, de la new wave britannique qui révolutionna les littératures de genre au tournant des années 70, on doit à Christopher Priest de nombreux incontournables - Le Monde inverti, La Fontaine pétrifiante, Le Glamour, ou encore L'Adjacent. Son roman Le Prestige, publié en 1995, lauréat du World Fantasy Award, a été porté à l'écran en 2006 par Christopher Nolan.
L'Été de l'infini réunit les meilleures nouvelles de Christopher Priest publiées sur cinquante années de carrière, soit douze textes, dont quatre inédits. Un long entretien, le témoignage de l'aventure que fut l'adaptation du Prestige au cinéma, ainsi qu'une bibliographie exhaustive, complètent un ensemble indispensable à l'appréhension d'un auteur dont Xavier Mauméjean affirme, dans son introduction au présent ouvrage : « [qu'il] est un écrivain de sciencefiction et se revendique comme tel. Pourtant, avec d'autres auteurs d'égale envergure, tel Philip K. Dick, Thomas M. Disch, J. G. Ballard ou Frederik Pohl, il pousse le genre à son extrême limite, l'oblige à se dépasser en explorant la réalité, à affronter ce qui se tient hors de portée du vrai. La vérité n'est qu'une possibilité du réel, en aucun cas sa mesure... » -
Hollywood actress Jeanette Marchand was beautiful, talented, beloved by audiences.
During a time of personal crisis, she declares she is going to take a vacation in England, to explore the possibilities of working in London, before returning to the USA.
She never returned to the USA. She never even left the airport. At least - no-one saw her leave.
Years later, a young film student finds himself digging deeper into her disappearance. Where did she go? Was she really dead? Who was the mysterious man who sat beside her on the flight across from New York?
This is a gripping speculative historical novel, grounded in the golden age of film. Perfect for fans of true crime, conspiracy theories, and SF that is chillingly close to reality. -
Two 19th century stage illusionists, the aristocratic Rupert Angier and the working-class Alfred Borden, engage in a bitter and deadly feud; the effects are still being felt by their respective families a hundred years later.
Working in the gaslight-and-velvet world of Victorian music halls, they prowl edgily in the background of each other's shadowy life, driven to the extremes by a deadly combination of obsessive secrecy and insatiable curiosity.
At the heart of the row is an amazing illusion they both perform during their stage acts. The secret of the magic is simple, and the reader is in on it almost from the start, but to the antagonists the real mystery lies deeper. Both have something more to hide than the mere workings of a trick.
'Really amazing. I love the epistolary nature of the novel and how the story stretches through time, but my favourite bits were all between the two warring illusionists. I can't believe how far the two of them went to prolong their feud of pranks. It was great seeing two professionals unwilling to harm their craft still work around all the little niceties to get at one another.' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
'Duelling illusionists' ongoing battle in the late Victorian era has consequences for future generations. This is a masterpiece of epistolary style writing. The reader is set up, mirroring the art of the illusionist. The Prestige explores issues relating to social class and gender, artistry vs science, one's perspective shaping the truth, and the dangers of limitless ambition. The illusionists' duel and their quest to be true masters provides for a couple of intriguing Faustian bargains in this truly marvelous novel. Yet we, as readers, are also being deceived until it all finally unravels. One of the best novels in a structural sense that I've read. Well worth the time.' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
'Gripping, eerie, hard to put down. Every time I thought I had a good sense of what was going on, Priest pulled the rug out of from under his plot and I'm still not sure what actually happened. Demands a re-read.' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
'A suspenseful and gripping story, Christopher Priest demonstrates his storytelling skill in this compelling tale of two turn-of-the-century competing British stage magicians and their feud that trickles down through their descendants.' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
'The setting is in present day, with descendants of two famous magicians trying to figure out what happened to their great-grandfathers. They do this by reading the journals/books of their forefathers. What they find out will really amaze you. This book will keep you guessing, and once the guessing stops, things get really weird. But it's a good kind of weird.' Goodreads reviewer, ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ -
In the latest novel from one of the UK's greatest writers we return to the Dream Archipelago, a string of islands that no one can map or explain.
Alesandro Sussken is a composer, and we see his life as he grows up in a fascist state constantly at war with another equally faceless opponent. His brother is sent off to fight; his family is destroyed by grief. Occasionally Alesandro catches glimpses of islands in the far distance from the shore, and they feed into his music - music for which he is feted.
But all knowledge of the other islands is forbidden by the junta, until he is unexpectedly sent on a cultural tour. And what he discovers on his journey will change his perceptions of his country, his music and the ways of the islands themselves.
Playing with the lot of the creative mind, the rigours of living under war and the nature of time itself, this is Christopher Priest at his absolute best.
Christopher Priest is a genre-leading author of SFF fiction. His novel, THE PRESTIGE, won a number of awards and was adapted into a critically acclaimed, Oscar-nominated film directed by Christopher Nolan (TENET, INCEPTION) starring Hugh Jackman (THE GREATEST SHOWMAN, X-MEN), Christian Bale (THE BIG SHORT, BATMAN BEGINS), Michael Caine (THE ITALIAN JOB) and Scarlett Johansson (MARRIAGE STORY, THE AVENGERS). -
A tale of murder, artistic rivalry and literary trickery; a chinese puzzle of a novel where nothing is quite what it seems; a narrator whose agenda is artful and subtle; a narrative that pulls you in and plays an elegant game with you.
The Dream Archipelago is a vast network of islands. The names of the islands are different depending on who you talk to, their very locations seem to twist and shift. Some islands have been sculpted into vast musical instruments, others are home to lethal creatures, others the playground for high society. Hot winds blow across the archipelago and a war fought between two distant continents is played out across its waters.
THE ISLANDERS serves both as an untrustworthy but enticing guide to the islands, an intriguing, multi-layered tale of a murder and the suspect legacy of its appealing but definitely untrustworthy narrator.
It shows Christopher Priest at the height of his powers and illustrates why he has remained one of the country's most prized novelists.
Christopher Priest is a genre-leading author of SFF fiction. His novel, THE PRESTIGE, won a number of awards and was adapted into a critically acclaimed, Oscar-nominated film directed by Christopher Nolan (TENET, INCEPTION) starring Hugh Jackman (THE GREATEST SHOWMAN, X-MEN), Christian Bale (THE BIG SHORT, BATMAN BEGINS), Michael Caine (THE ITALIAN JOB) and Scarlett Johansson (MARRIAGE STORY, THE AVENGERS). -
THE SEPARATION is the story of twin brothers, rowers in the 1936 Olympics (where they met Hess, Hitler's deputy); one joins the RAF, and captains a Wellington; he is shot down after a bombing raid on Hamburg and becomes Churchill's aide-de-camp; his twin brother, a pacifist, works with the Red Cross, rescuing bombing victims in London. But this is not a straightforward story of the Second World War: this is an alternate history: the two brothers - both called J.L. Sawyer - live their lives in alternate versions of reality. In one, the Second World War ends as we imagine it did; in the other, thanks to efforts of an eminent team of negotiators headed by Hess, the war ends in 1941.
THE SEPARATION is an emotionally riveting story of how the small man can make a difference; it's a savage critique of Winston Churchill, the man credited as the saviour of Britain and the Western World, and it's a story of how one perceives and shapes the past.
Christopher Priest is a genre-leading author of SFF fiction. His novel, THE PRESTIGE, won a number of awards and was adapted into a critically acclaimed, Oscar-nominated film directed by Christopher Nolan (TENET, INCEPTION) starring Hugh Jackman (THE GREATEST SHOWMAN, X-MEN), Christian Bale (THE BIG SHORT, BATMAN BEGINS), Michael Caine (THE ITALIAN JOB) and Scarlett Johansson (MARRIAGE STORY, THE AVENGERS). -
Tibor Tarent, a freelance photographer, is recalled to Britain from Anatolia where his wife Melanie has been killed by insurgent militia. IRGB is a nation living in the aftermath of a bizarre and terrifying terrorist atrocity - hundreds of thousands were wiped out when a vast triangle of west London was instantly annihilated. The authorities think the terrorist attack and the death of Tarent's wife are somehow connected.
A century earlier, a stage magician is sent to the Western Front on a secret mission to render British reconnaissance aircraft invisible to the enemy. On his journey to the trenches he meets the visionary who believes that this will be the war to end all wars.
In 1943, a woman pilot from Poland tells a young RAF technician of her escape from the Nazis, and her desperate need to return home.
In the present day, a theoretical physicist stands in his English garden and creates the first adjacency.
THE ADJACENT is a novel where nothing is quite as it seems. Where fiction and history intersect, where every version of reality is suspect, where truth and falsehood lie closely adjacent to one another.
It shows why Christopher Priest is one of our greatest writers. -
A petty thief who called himself John Smith was arrested in 1877, for theft through fraudulent behaviour. He was convicted and sent to prison.
In 1852, Adler and Adolf Beck's father died on a glacier, and their lives separated. One became a respected climate scientist; the other a globally renowned opera singer, or so he claimed. They remained in touch, to share details of the mysterious voices only they could hear.
In 2050, Charles Ramsey also has a twin. Greg is a climate journalist. Charles used to be a police profiler, but his redundancy leads to him being sent home with an experimental chip in his head. His brother urges him to explore a little-known aspect of their family history.
All these people are connected, impossibly, inexorably. All their lives will intersect.
And the climate of their world will keep on changing. -
A uniquely powerful novel of a society in decay. On a planet whose very nature is a mystery a massive decrepit city is pulled along a massive railway track, laying the line down before it as it progresses into the wilderness.
The society within toils under an oppressive regime, its structures always on the point of collapse, the lives of its individuals lived in misery. No one knows where they are going, why they are going or what they will find when they get there.
The ending of the novel provides one of the most profound twists in SF.
Winner of the BSFA Award for best novel, 1974.
Christopher Priest is a genre-leading author of SFF fiction. His novel, THE PRESTIGE, won a number of awards and was adapted into a critically acclaimed, Oscar-nominated film directed by Christopher Nolan (TENET, INCEPTION) starring Hugh Jackman (THE GREATEST SHOWMAN, X-MEN), Christian Bale (THE BIG SHORT, BATMAN BEGINS), Michael Caine (THE ITALIAN JOB) and Scarlett Johansson (MARRIAGE STORY, THE AVENGERS). -
Deep in the Advanced Technique Concentration, Wentik created a mind-altering drug. Suddenly he is transported to the jungles of Brazil in the 22nd century and a world devastated by nuclear war and poison gas.
Only South America survived but even here 'The Disturbances' create havoc. Can Wentik find a way back? For himself? And all of humanity?
Christopher Priest is a genre-leading author of SFF fiction. His novel, THE PRESTIGE, won a number of awards and was adapted into a critically acclaimed, Oscar-nominated film directed by Christopher Nolan (TENET, INCEPTION) starring Hugh Jackman (THE GREATEST SHOWMAN, X-MEN), Christian Bale (THE BIG SHORT, BATMAN BEGINS), Michael Caine (THE ITALIAN JOB) and Scarlett Johansson (MARRIAGE STORY, THE AVENGERS). -
In a world at war, the Dream Archipelago is a neutral zone, and therefore an alluring prospect to the young men on both sides of the conflict.
In this interlinked collection of short stories and novellas, Christopher Priest explores war, relationships and forms of reality. Each tale is a truimph of quiet, steady craftsmanship, a model of ingenious design and subtle implication, and as a group they further enrich each other by interlocking cleverly, symmetrically and sometimes sinisterly.
Christopher Priest is a genre-leading author of SFF fiction. His novel, THE PRESTIGE, won a number of awards and was adapted into a critically acclaimed, Oscar-nominated film directed by Christopher Nolan (TENET, INCEPTION) starring Hugh Jackman (THE GREATEST SHOWMAN, X-MEN), Christian Bale (THE BIG SHORT, BATMAN BEGINS), Michael Caine (THE ITALIAN JOB) and Scarlett Johansson (MARRIAGE STORY, THE AVENGERS). -
As Europe looks for ways to deal with the humanitarian crisis of Syria's misplaced population and the influx of refugees crossing the Mediterranean Christopher Priest's second novel has a new, timely, edge.
Survivors of a terrible African war flee their blighted continent, and look for refuge in the countries of the West. But Britain is falling into civil war and anarchy.
One of Christopher Priest's earliest novels, FUGUE FOR A DARKENING ISLAND is a powerful work whose subject matter has become increasingly relevant in recent years.
Christopher Priest is a genre-leading author of SFF fiction. His novel, THE PRESTIGE, won a number of awards and was adapted into a critically acclaimed, Oscar-nominated film directed by Christopher Nolan (TENET, INCEPTION) starring Hugh Jackman (THE GREATEST SHOWMAN, X-MEN), Christian Bale (THE BIG SHORT, BATMAN BEGINS), Michael Caine (THE ITALIAN JOB) and Scarlett Johansson (MARRIAGE STORY, THE AVENGERS). -
Christopher Priest is one of the most acclaimed writers of both SF and literary fiction at work today. Here, for the first time in almost twenty years, is a collection of his short work. Largely previously uncollected, ranging from the horrific to the touching, the science fictional to the realist, these stories are a perfect demonstration of the breadth and power of Priest's writing.
Eleven stories are included, along with commentary and reflection from the author. Within these pages you will discover the stage magic-inspired horror of 'The Head and the Hand', the timeslip accidents of '', the impossible romance of 'Palely Loitering' and the present-day satire of 'Shooting an Episode'.
Christopher Priest is a genre-leading author of SFF fiction. His novel, THE PRESTIGE, won a number of awards and was adapted into a critically acclaimed, Oscar-nominated film directed by Christopher Nolan (TENET, INCEPTION) starring Hugh Jackman (THE GREATEST SHOWMAN, X-MEN), Christian Bale (THE BIG SHORT, BATMAN BEGINS), Michael Caine (THE ITALIAN JOB) and Scarlett Johansson (MARRIAGE STORY, THE AVENGERS). -
A powerful meditation on loss and memory seen through the prism of 9/11, by one of our greatest authors.
Ben Matson lost someone he loved in the 9/11 attacks. Or thinks he did - no body has been recovered, and she shouldn't have been on that particular plane at that time. But he knows she was.
The world has moved on from that terrible day. Nearly 20 years later, it has faded into a dull memory for most people. But a chance encounter rekindles Ben's interest in the event, and the inconsistencies that always bothered him.
Then the announcement of the recovery of an unidentified plane crash sets off a chain of events that will lead Ben to question everything he thought he knew . . .
Thoughtful, impeccably researched and dazzling in its writing, this is Ben's story, the story of what happened to his fiancé, and the story of all that happened on 9/11.
Christopher Priest is a genre-leading author of SFF fiction. His novel, THE PRESTIGE, won a number of awards and was adapted into a critically acclaimed, Oscar-nominated film directed by Christopher Nolan (TENET, INCEPTION) starring Hugh Jackman (THE GREATEST SHOWMAN, X-MEN), Christian Bale (THE BIG SHORT, BATMAN BEGINS), Michael Caine (THE ITALIAN JOB) and Scarlett Johansson (MARRIAGE STORY, THE AVENGERS). -
THE QUIET WOMAN stitches together a horrifyingly plausable near-future dystopian Britain and a typically Priestian account of an individual lost in the blurred boundaries between the real and the imagined. It is a novel that bears comparison with the work of Kazuo Ishiguro and A.S. Byatt as well as that of John Wyndham.
In a country that has lost its way memories of past lives are distracting Alice Stockton. Living alone after the break up of her marriage she makes a precarious living as a biographer yet finds herself powerfully and inexplicably influenced by the lives of others.
A novel of uncertain personal histories and literary mystery set in a disturbingly real dystopian Britain, THE QUIET WOMAN is vintage Christopher Priest.
Christopher Priest is a genre-leading author of SFF fiction. His novel, THE PRESTIGE, won a number of awards and was adapted into a critically acclaimed, Oscar-nominated film directed by Christopher Nolan (TENET, INCEPTION) starring Hugh Jackman (THE GREATEST SHOWMAN, X-MEN), Christian Bale (THE BIG SHORT, BATMAN BEGINS), Michael Caine (THE ITALIAN JOB) and Scarlett Johansson (MARRIAGE STORY, THE AVENGERS). -
Teresa Simons, jeune enquêtrice du FBI, a suivi la formation aux sessions ExEx - aussi appelées les "extrêmes" -, ces mondes virtuels violents et ultra-réalistes reconstituant à la perfection des situations de crise ayant réellement existé afin de former les nouveaux agents.
Mais depuis qu'Andy, son mari, est mort dans une intervention qui a mal tourné, Teresa ne parvient plus à s'extraire de la virtualité et s'enfonce peu à peu dans ses souvenirs. Elle décide de se rendre à Bulverton, dans le sud de l'Angleterre, où le jour de la mort de son mari eut lieu un terrible massacre. C'est là, au sein d'une petite communauté traumatisée, que Teresa va découvrir ce qu'impliquent réellement les «extrêmes»...
Une fois de plus, Christopher Priest s'interroge sur notre perception de la réalité et nous guide dans les méandres de la mémoire. Un roman brillant qui a reçu le British Science Fiction Award. -
British-born Teresa Simons returns to England after the death of her husband, an FBI agent, who was killed by an out-of-control gunman while on assignment in Texas. A shocking coincidence has drawn her to the run-down south coast town of Bulverton, where a gunman's massacre has haunting similarities to the murders in Texas.
Desperate to unravel the mystery, Teresa turns to the virtual reality world of Extreme Experience, ExEx, now commercially available since she trained on it in the US. The best and worst of human experience can be found in ExEx, and in the extremes of violence Teresa finds that past and present combine ...
Christopher Priest is a genre-leading author of SFF fiction. His novel, THE PRESTIGE, won a number of awards and was adapted into a critically acclaimed, Oscar-nominated film directed by Christopher Nolan (TENET, INCEPTION) starring Hugh Jackman (THE GREATEST SHOWMAN, X-MEN), Christian Bale (THE BIG SHORT, BATMAN BEGINS), Michael Caine (THE ITALIAN JOB) and Scarlett Johansson (MARRIAGE STORY, THE AVENGERS). -
Christopher Priest's artful sleight of hand when it comes to manipulating the experience of his books and notions of what is real reaches a peak in this novel that accounts the trials and tribulations of a group of people who have escaped into a utopian shared virtual reality known as Wessex. It is a world engineered to give them their every desire. But when one woman becomes subject to the violent attentions of a man who feels that she is everything he desires she must decide to fight back. Obsession and abuse of power can cross from the real world to the imagined all too easily.
Thought by some to have been instrumental in the inspiration of the film INCEPTION, A DREAM OF WESSEX is a classic in the literature of virtual realities and remains one of Chris Priest's most highly regarded novels.
Christopher Priest is a genre-leading author of SFF fiction. His novel, THE PRESTIGE, won a number of awards and was adapted into a critically acclaimed, Oscar-nominated film directed by Christopher Nolan (TENET, INCEPTION) starring Hugh Jackman (THE GREATEST SHOWMAN, X-MEN), Christian Bale (THE BIG SHORT, BATMAN BEGINS), Michael Caine (THE ITALIAN JOB) and Scarlett Johansson (MARRIAGE STORY, THE AVENGERS). -
A young Victorian couple are pulled into a mystery that transcends time and space. A mystery that will have very familiar elements for any fan of HG Wells but which cannot possibly be related to the work of the great man. Or can it?
This early novel from Christopher Priest is at once a wonderful facsimile of late Victorian writing and an enticing modern novel that plays with the reader's expectations and comments on two of the greatest novels of science fiction.
Christopher Priest is a genre-leading author of SFF fiction. His novel, THE PRESTIGE, won a number of awards and was adapted into a critically acclaimed, Oscar-nominated film directed by Christopher Nolan (TENET, INCEPTION) starring Hugh Jackman (THE GREATEST SHOWMAN, X-MEN), Christian Bale (THE BIG SHORT, BATMAN BEGINS), Michael Caine (THE ITALIAN JOB) and Scarlett Johansson (MARRIAGE STORY, THE AVENGERS). -
Angle Mort numéro 10
Stephane Beauverger, Nina Allan, Christopher Priest, Stephane Meyer, Fanny Charrasse
- Angle Mort
- 19 Août 2016
- 9782364001312
Le collectif Angle Mort est composé d'éditeurs, d'écrivains, de traducteurs et de scientifiques partageant une même conception de la science-fiction ; celle d'une méthode d'exploration du soi et de notre environnement. La revue numérique Angle Mort publie des nouvelles contemporaines, françaises ou traduites de l'anglais, qui font la science-fiction d'aujourd'hui et offrent un nouveau regard sur le monde afin de mieux préparer demain.
Pour ce numéro 10, retrouvez une couverture originale du street artist français Ador, 5 récits de science-fiction inédits écrits par des auteurs contemporains, ainsi que les interviews avec tous les contributeurs.