Langue française
6 produits trouvés
Dans une ambiance mêlant l'onirisme du studio Ghibli et la fureur post-apocalyptique de Mad Max, Extremity est l'oeuvre de Daniel Warren Johnson, l'un des plus remarquables talents de la jeune génération d'auteurs américains.
Thea est une rêveuse. Elle ne rêve pas d'une vie meilleure, mais de vengeance contre le clan qui a décimé sa famille. Mais ce sont des combats sauvages et sanguinaires impliquant des hommes, des machines de guerre et des monstres qui l'attendent au bout de ce chemin. Cette bataille va opposer les Paznina, les Roto et Thea va vite comprendre que dans une guerre, il n'y a jamais de vainqueur... -
Supergirl Tome 1
Mike Johnson, Michael Green, Mahmud Asrar
- Urban Comics
- DC Renaissance
- 21 Octobre 2019
- 9791026834458
Kara Zor-El était encore hier une jeune fille habitant sur Krypton avec sa famille et ses proches. Aujourd'hui, elle se réveille sur Terre et découvre que son cousin n'est plus un bébé mais un adulte, surhumain qui plus est. Traquée, désorientée, tentant de maîtriser ses nouveaux pouvoirs, elle va devoir choisir entre dominer ou sauver l'humanité en tant que Supergirl ! (contient Supergirl #1-7)
Conquering Digital Overload
Mike Johnson, Peter Thomson, J. Michael Devlin
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 24 Novembre 2017
- 9783319637990
This book examines the impact of the digital deluge on employees and organizations and sets out the leadership actions needed to create a corporate culture fit for the digital age.In the digital world executives are presented with exponentially more information than their predecessors were a generation ago - and yet we're not exponentially more productive. Why? Because we're using twenty-first century technology with a twentieth century mindset. Excessive working hours, email overload and invasion of private life are all symptoms of a working culture that has used technology to simply amplify old management processes rather than enable and refine newer, more productive ones.Instead of liberating us, technology has created a digital overload, accentuating the problems of presenteeism, unreasonable deadlines and management demands. Organizations need to stop using technology to turn up the volume and start using it to change the channel. Written by aunique team of experts, this edited collection covers leadership, corporate culture, technology, wellness and workplace design. It argues that digital overload is a problem of corporate culture and a failure of leadership. As such it takes leadership to fix it. Leaders who have the courage to explore alternative ways of working with technology, the enlightenment to give employees more freedom and control over their own lives, and the humility to live and demonstrate the new culture personally. Those who do this have the power to transform their organizations so they can ride the digital wave rather than be swamped by it.
Ángeles, 2029. La ciudad está sumida en el caos. La revuelta
replicante de Yotun, un Nexus 6 con un defecto que le ha permitido
sobrepasar su fecha de caducidad, ha conseguido destruir la muralla
marítima y asesinar a toda la élite dirigente. Ahora, el ejército
rebelde de Yotun se dispone a tomar el control de Los Ángeles y
consumar el sueño de su líder: una sociedad humana regida por
replicantes. ¿Podrá Ash detenerlo antes de que reduzca la ciudad a
cenizas y mate a la mujer que ama? -
Mastering VMware vSphere 6.7
Ryan Johnson, Nick Marshall, Mike Brown, G. Blair Fritz
- Sybex
- 10 Octobre 2018
- 9781119512974
Master your virtual environment with the ultimate vSphere guide Mastering VMware vSphere 6.7 is the fully updated edition of the bestselling guide to VMware's virtualization solution. With comprehensive coverage of this industry-leading toolset, this book acts as an informative guide and valuable reference. Step-by-step instruction walks you through installation, configuration, operation, security processes, and much more as you conquer the management and automation of your virtual environment. Written by certified VMware vExperts, this indispensable guide provides hands-on instruction and detailed conceptual explanations, anchored by practical applications and real-world examples. This book is the ultimate guide to vSphere, helping administrators master their virtual environment. Learn to: Install, configure, and manage the vCenter Server components Leverage the Support Tools to provide maintenance and updates Create and configure virtual networks, storage devices, and virtual machines Implement the latest features to ensure compatibility and flexibility Manage resource allocation and utilization to meet application needs Monitor infrastructure performance and availability Automate and orchestrate routine administrative tasks Mastering VMware vSphere 6.7 is what you need to stay up-to-date on VMware's industry-leading software for the virtualized datacenter.
The Soils of Mississippi
James G. Bockheim, Birl Lowery, Delaney Johnson, Mike Lilly
- Springer
- 1 Janvier 2024
- 9783031362354
This book capitalizes on data collected by the Natural Resources Conservation Service & other organizations over the past 100+ years & offers the first comprehensive treatment of Mississippi soils. Main topics include the history of soil studies; soil-forming factors; general soil regions; taxonomic soil regions; soil-forming processes; benchmark, endemic, rare, & endangered soils; land use; key environmental issues; & yield potential of Mississippi soils. The book contains over 100 photographs of soils, vegetation, & land use & should be of interest to planners & students interested in soil science & allied disciplines.