Voici l'adaptation officielle de l'ébauche originelle écrite par George Lucas pour ce qui est plus tard devenu Star Wars. Mais cette galaxie lointaine est très différente de ce que vous avez vu dans les films... Accrochez-vous pour une grande aventure avec des duels au sabre laser, des Chevaliers Jedi et des Sith, une Princesse Leia familière et un Solo insolite, ainsi qu'une bataille pour vaincre un Empire maléfique ! Ce volume inclut le carnet de croquis ayant servi à créer The Star Wars, guide officiel d'une galaxie différente !
Spawn Tome 15 : Armageddon
Todd Mcfarlane, David Hine, Philip Tan, Mayhew, Cansino, Angel Medina
- Delcourt
- Contrebande
- 19 Avril 2017
- 9782756099422
La quête d'Al Simmons l'emmène dans les montagnes enneigées du Minnesota, où il est secouru lors d'une tempête par un jeune garçon et sa famille. Mais lorsqu'un groupe de chasseurs est piégé, Spawn doit aller se battre contre une meute d'énormes loups. En rentrant à Chicago, Al est à la recherche d'indices pour percer le plan de Mammon. Il découvre une vieille église, qui abrite un vieil ennemi...
Dans ce recueil composé de deux épisodes magistralement dessinés par Mike Mayhew (Star Wars) et scénarisés par Mark Millar (Spider-man, Volverine), Vampirella, la célèbre et sexy femme vampire, amie des humains, suit la trace de plusieurs criminels vampires affiliés à un culte démoniaque local, une petite ville repliée du monde surnommée "Le Grand-nul-part", où ne vivent que des vampires. Elle décide de mettre un terme à cette menace pour l'humanité mais ce qu'elle va découvrir sur place va complètement changer la donne.
X-Men gold Tome 2 : mojo planétaire
Marc Guggenheim, Ken Lashley, Mike Mayhew, Jorge Molina
- Panini
- 16 Juillet 2020
- 9782809492927
Mojo, maître des shows de téléréalité meurtriers, prend pour cible la Terre. Les mutants doivent à tout prix le neutraliser. Les deux formations X, qui partagent pour la première fois une mission, se retrouvent alors face aux Sentinelles et aux Broods. Assaillis par de funestes souvenirs, Kitty Pryde, Jean Grey et leurs coéquipiers poursuivent toutefois leur combat jusque sur Mojoworld et luttent pour empêcher que Manhattan ne se métamorphose en un monde tout aussi sordide que violent. Les X-Men vivent ensuite une épopée cosmique dans la Zone Négative, déstabilisés par le retour inattendu de Kologoth. Marc Guggenheim, Cullen Bunn et toute une palette de dessinateurs de talent nous livrent une aventure mutante palpitante, où passé et présent s'unissent pour triompher.
Tom Striker is a mud lark, earning a crust foraging on the banks of The Thames for
anything worth selling. When his friend Billy goes missing, and he saves a man
claiming to be Old Father Thames, Tom and his friends are caught up in a battle
between powerful spirits. This title is published by Franklin Watts EDGE, which produces a range of books
to get children reading with confidence. EDGE - for books children can't put down. -
In the second edition of this best-selling Policy Governance operating manual, John Carver and Miriam Carver make this exciting approach to effective governance even more accessible and user-friendly, gleaning lessons learned in years of practice to help readers understand and use this invaluable model. Carver's groundbreaking Policy Governance model is the best-known, respected, and talked about governance model in the world and has fundamentally influenced the way organizations are governed. Reinventing Your Board, second edition, is a hands-on, step-by-step guide that puts the model to work in the meeting-to-meeting lives of board members. It includes new policy samples and a new chapter on monitoring performance, as well as other practical "put-the-model-in-motion" advice. This popular and highly successful companion to Boards That Make a Difference contains the nuts-and-bolts materials needed for implementing Policy Governance. The authors illustrate effective board decision making, show how to craft useful policies, and offer practical advice on such matters as setting the agenda, monitoring CEO performance, defining the board role, and more. Step-by-step instructions and sample policies make this a must-have resource for boards in the public and nonprofit sectors aiming to govern their organizations with excellence.
The Board Member's Playbook
Bill Charney, Miriam Mayhew Carver
- Jossey-Bass
- 28 Juin 2004
- 9780787972295
The Board Member's Playbook--written for board members who are either familiar with or new to John Carver's revolutionary Policy Governance model--offers real-world scenarios that address the challenges that confront boards of all types of organizations. Step by step, the authors walk readers through a proven problem-solving sequence that allows them to find solutions consistent with the values and policies of their organizations. Designed to be flexible, the book's problem-solving methods are applicable to any challenge boards may face.
Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometry
Andrew M. Ellis, Christopher A. Mayhew
- Wiley
- 17 Décembre 2013
- 9781118683576
Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometry (PTR-MS) is a rapidly growing analytical technique for detecting and identifying very small quantities of chemical compounds in air. It has seen widespread use in atmospheric monitoring and food science and shows increasing promise in applications such as industrial process monitoring, medical science and in crime and security scenarios.
Written by leading researchers, this is the first book devoted to PTR-MS and it provides a comprehensive account of the basic principles, the experimental technique and various applications, thus making this book essential reading for researchers, technicians, postgraduate students and professionals in industry. The book contains nine chapters and is divided into two parts. The first part describes the underlying principles of the PTR-MS technique, including
o the relevant ion-molecule chemistry
o thermodynamics and reaction kinetics
o a discussion of ion sources, drift tubes and mass spectrometers
o practical aspects of PTR-MS, including calibration. The second part of the book turns its attention to some of the many applications of PTR-MS, demonstrating the scope and benefits, as well as the limitations, of the technique. The chapters that make up the second part of the book build upon the material presented in the first part and are essentially self-contained reviews focusing on the following topics:
o environmental science
o food science
o medicine
o homeland security, and
o applications of PTR-MS in liquid analysis. -
A Carver Policy Governance Guide, Adjacent Leadership Roles
John Carver, Miriam Mayhew Carver
- Jossey-Bass
- 4 Décembre 2009
- 9780470620212
The Carver Policy Governance Guide series includes six booklets that offer board members a description of John Carver's Policy Governance model of board leadership. Policy Governance enables a board to fulfill its accountability to its organization's "owners," whether the owners are association members, city residents, company shareholders, or a community of interest. Policy Governance addresses the board's engagement in financial, programmatic, and personnel matters; roles of officers and committees; reporting and evaluation; agendas; and other aspects of the board job. For boards pursuing, or wanting to pursue, the Policy Governance model, Adjacent Leadership Roles: CGO and CEO examines the leadership roles needed in the boardroom and the executive suite. This guide reveals the two important and separate functions that are key to enabling both governance and management to have the benefit of optimal leadership. The Policy Governance model is based on the functions rather than the structure of a governing board. It outlines commonsense principles about governing that fit together into an entire system. The practices of the Policy Governance board, which are consistent with the principles, allow it to control without meddling, focus on long-term organizational outputs, powerfully delegate to a CEO and staff, and discharge its fiduciary responsibility in a visionary, strategic manner. Because the model is a total system, the Carver Policy Governance Guide series offers boards a complete set of principles for fulfilling their various obligations.
A Carver Policy Governance Guide, The Governance of Financial Management
John Carver, Miriam Mayhew Carver
- Jossey-Bass
- 4 Décembre 2009
- 9780470620182
The Carver Policy Governance Guide series includes six booklets that offer board members a description of John Carver's Policy Governance model of board leadership. Policy Governance enables a board to fulfill its accountability to its organization's "owners," whether the owners are association members, city residents, company shareholders, or a community of interest. Policy Governance addresses the board's engagement in financial, programmatic, and personnel matters; roles of officers and committees; reporting and evaluation; agendas; and other aspects of the board job. The Governance of Financial Management offers a proven strategic approach to the issues of finances and board responsibility. It reveals how a board can effectively govern an organization's financial planning by controlling budget values rather than budget numbers. The guide addresses the issue of actual fiscal conditions by creating policies that safeguard an organization's real fiscal health. The Policy Governance model is based on the functions rather than the structure of a governing board. It outlines commonsense principles about governing that fit together into an entire system. The practices of the Policy Governance board, which are consistent with the principles, allow it to control without meddling, focus on long-term organizational outputs, powerfully delegate to a CEO and staff, and discharge its fiduciary responsibility in a visionary, strategic manner. Because the model is a total system, the Carver Policy Governance Guide series offers boards a complete set of principles for fulfilling their various obligations.
A Carver Policy Governance Guide, Ends and the Ownership
John Carver, Miriam Mayhew Carver
- Jossey-Bass
- 4 Décembre 2009
- 9780470620168
The Carver Policy Governance® Guide series includes six booklets that offer board members a description of John Carver's Policy Governance model of board leadership. Policy Governance enables a board to fulfill its accountability to its organization's "owners," whether the owners are association members, city residents, company shareholders, or a community of interest. Policy Governance addresses the board's engagement in financial, programmatic, and personnel matters; roles of officers and committees; reporting and evaluation; agendas; and other aspects of the board job. Ends and the Ownership helps boards distinguish between what an organization is for and what it does (ends versus means)?a basic feature of the innovative Policy Governance model. This important guide also discusses the concept of ownership and includes sample policies that can help board members effectively prioritize and govern. The Policy Governance model is based on the functions rather than the structure of a governing board. It outlines commonsense principles about governing that fit together into an entire system. The practices of the Policy Governance board, which are consistent with the principles, allow it to control without meddling, focus on long-term organizational outputs, powerfully delegate to a CEO and staff, and discharge its fiduciary responsibility in a visionary, strategic manner. Because the model is a total system, the Carver Policy Governance Guide series offers boards a complete set of principles for fulfilling their various obligations.
A Carver Policy Governance Guide, Implementing Policy Governance and Staying on Track
John Carver, Miriam Mayhew Carver
- Jossey-Bass
- 22 Février 2010
- 9780470620137
The Carver Policy Governance Guide series includes six booklets that offer board members a description of John Carver's Policy Governance model of board leadership. Policy Governance enables a board to fulfill its accountability to its organization's "owners," whether the owners are association members, city residents, company shareholders, or a community of interest. Policy Governance addresses the board's engagement in financial, programmatic, and personnel matters; roles of officers and committees; reporting and evaluation; agendas; and other aspects of the board job. Implementing Policy Governance and Staying on Track shows boards how they can apply the principles of the Policy Governance model and change the way they govern in practice. The guide cuts across various aspects of the Policy Governance model and challenges board members to move from concepts to practice. The Policy Governance model is based on the functions rather than the structure of a governing board. It outlines commonsense principles about governing that fit together into an entire system. The practices of the Policy Governance board, which are consistent with the principles, allow it to control without meddling, focus on long-term organizational outputs, powerfully delegate to a CEO and staff, and discharge its fiduciary responsibility in a visionary, strategic manner. Because the model is a total system, the Carver Policy Governance Guide series offers boards a complete set of principles for fulfilling their various obligations.
A Carver Policy Governance Guide, The Policy Governance Model and the Role of the Board Member
John Carver, Miriam Mayhew Carver
- Jossey-Bass
- 13 Mai 2009
- 9780470456088
The Carver Policy Governance Guide series includes six booklets that offer board members a description of John Carver's Policy Governance model of board leadership. Policy Governance enables a board to fulfill its accountability to its organization's "owners," whether the owners are association members, city residents, company shareholders, or a community of interest. Policy Governance addresses the board's engagement in financial, programmatic, and personnel matters; roles of officers and committees; reporting and evaluation; agendas; and other aspects of the board job. The Policy Governance Model and the Role of the Board Member sets out a clear vision for excellence in board leadership. It gives board members an understanding of the concepts and principles that are at the very heart of John Carver's innovative Policy Governance model. This guide details members' main tasks and presents the guidelines needed to transform a board into an effective group that consistently leads powerfully. The Policy Governance model is based on the functions rather than the structure of a governing board. It outlines commonsense principles about governing that fit together into an entire system. The practices of the Policy Governance board, which are consistent with the principles, allow it to control without meddling, focus on long-term organizational outputs, powerfully delegate to a CEO and staff, and discharge its fiduciary responsibility in a visionary, strategic manner. Because the model is a total system, the Carver Policy Governance Guide series offers boards a complete set of principles for fulfilling their various obligations.
A Carver Policy Governance Guide, Evaluating CEO and Board Performance
John Carver, Miriam Mayhew Carver
- Jossey-Bass
- 27 Avril 2009
- 9780470481059
The Carver Policy Governance Guide series includes six booklets that offer board members a description of John Carver's Policy Governance model of board leadership. Policy Governance enables a board to fulfill its accountability to its organization's "owners," whether the owners are association members, city residents, company shareholders, or a community of interest. Policy Governance addresses the board's engagement in financial, programmatic, and personnel matters; roles of officers and committees; reporting and evaluation; agendas; and other aspects of the board job. Evaluating CEO and Board Performance offers board members information on the importance of evaluation as part of a greater systematic view of governance. The guide includes principles for effectively and honestly evaluating CEO and board performance. The Policy Governance model is based on the functions rather than the structure of a governing board. It outlines commonsense principles about governing that fit together into an entire system. The practices of the Policy Governance board, which are consistent with the principles, allow it to control without meddling, focus on long-term organizational outputs, powerfully delegate to a CEO and staff, and discharge its fiduciary responsibility in a visionary, strategic manner. Because the model is a total system, the Carver Policy Governance Guide series offers boards a complete set of principles for fulfilling their various obligations.
Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Fluids
G. F. C. Rogers, Y. R. Mayhew
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 17 Juin 2021
- 9781119848981
The fifth edition has been issued to incorporate two new tables - Data of Refrigerant 134a and a table containing for selected substances, molar enthalpies and molar Gibbs functions of formation, Equilibirum constants of formation, as well as molar heat capacities and absolute entropies.
Small Animal Laparoscopy and Thoracoscopy
Philipp D. Mayhew, Boel A. Fransson
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 20 Décembre 2021
- 9781119666929
The newly revised Second Edition of Small Animal Laparoscopy and Thoracoscopy is a rigorous update of the first book to provide comprehensive and current information about minimally invasive surgery in dogs and cats. With a focus on techniques in rigid endoscopy, the book also includes guidance on additional surgeries outside the abdomen and chest. New chapters describe newly developed surgical techniques, while existing chapters have been thoroughly updated. The authors include detailed stepwise instructions for each procedure, including clinical photographs. Pre-operative considerations, patient positioning, portal placement, and postoperative care are also discussed, with key points of consideration outlined for each surgery. Purchasers of the book will also receive access to a companion website featuring video clips of the fundamental skills and surgical techniques described in the resource. The book also offers: An introduction to laparoscopic suturing and knot tying with accompanying video tutorials A thorough introduction to the equipment used in laparoscopic and thoracoscopic veterinary surgeries, including imaging equipment, surgical instrumentation, energy devices, and stapling equipment Clear explanations of foundational techniques in laparoscopy, including laparoscopic anesthesia, access techniques, contraindications, complications, and conversion Robust descriptions of fundamental techniques in thoracoscopy, including patient positioning, port placement, contraindications, complications, and conversion Discussions of a wide variety of laparoscopic and thoracoscopic surgical procedures Small Animal Laparoscopy and Thoracoscopy is an essential reference for veterinary surgeons, veterinary internal medicine specialists and residents, and small animal general practitioners seeking a one-stop reference for minimally invasive surgery in dogs and cats.
A comprehensive and authoritative guide to neurologic disease in large domestic animals, world-wide. The newly revised Third Edition of Large Animal Neurology delivers a practical and complete reference for veterinarians, veterinary trainees and scientists dealing with large animal neurology. The book is vividly illustrated in full colour and contains many clinical photographs and detailed line drawings to highlight the concepts discussed within. Organised into three parts, Large Animal Neurology offers practitioners and students straightforward guides on how to perform neurologic examinations for domestic large animal species, including neonates. It also discusses the presenting clinical syndromes caused by common nervous system diseases, as well as giving details of the specific neurologic diseases of large domestic animals. The book includes: A thorough introduction to the evaluation of large animal neurologic patients, including discussions of neuroanatomy, neurologic evaluation, ancillary diagnostic aids, and the important pathologic responses of the nervous system Comprehensive exploration of 26 presenting clinical problems, including behaviour disorders, seizures, epilepsy, sleep disorders, blindness, strabismus, monoplegia, wobblers, tetraplegia, pruritus and cauda equina syndrome Detailed coverage of the specific diseases, including those of genetic, infectious, nutritional, toxic and metabolic cause, and the many diseases with multifactorial and with unknown cause Perfect for all equine and farm animal veterinarians, veterinary neurologists, as well as trainees in the field, Large Animal Neurology, Third Edition is also an ideal resource for undergraduate veterinary students, animal pathologists, and neuroscience researchers.
À l'abri des regards
Marybeth Mayhew Whalen
- Hauteville
- Hauteville Suspense
- 10 Avril 2019
- 9782811220785
Que savons-nous vraiment de ceux que nous croyons connaître ?Sycamore Glen, en Caroline du Nord, a tout de la résidence idéale. Ici, tout le monde se connaît - ou croit se connaître. Mais derrière les portes closes du voisinage, se cachent de terribles secrets. C'est ici qu'une petite fille a disparu il y a quelques mois. D'elle, il ne reste que des affiches délavées sur les murs de la ville. Alors que le voisinage est en effervescence à l'approche de la fête nationale, un nouveau drame vient bouleverser l'équilibre délicat du quartier. Dans ce contexte, les petits et grands secrets de Sycamore Glen vont être révélés au grand jour. Car ici, tout le monde a quelque chose à cacher...
« Un roman choral impressionnant, riche en rebondissements, qui met en scène un voisinage plein de secrets. Ces personnages sont si convaincants qu'ils pourraient être nos voisins. » Catherine McKenzie« À travers ce roman polyphonique, plusieurs histoires s'entrechoquent de façon inattendue. À l'abri des regards met en lumière les drames qui se cachent derrière chacun de nos secrets, et les révélations s'enchaînent, tenant le lecteur en haleine jusqu'à la dernière page. » RT Book Reviews« Whalen livre un roman captivant, peuplé par des personnages qui nous sont familiers. Mais que savons nous vraiment de ceux que nous croyons connaître ? Ce roman bouleverse le mythe du rêve américain et révèle ce qui se cache derrière les portes closes. » Library Journal« Whalen entraîne ses lecteurs dans une visite guidée à travers les joies et les difficultés des petites villes. Avec des personnages convaincants et des histoires captivantes, À l'abri des regards invite à porter un regard plein de compassion sur la force des individus et le pouvoir de la communauté. » Booklist