Richard Congreve, Positivist Politics, the Victorian Press, and the British Empire
Matthew Wilson
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 29 Septembre 2021
- 9783030834388
This book is about the life and times of Richard Congreve. This polemicist was the first thinker to gain instant infamy for publishing cogent critiques of imperialism in Victorian Britain. As the foremost British acolyte of Auguste Comte, Congreve sought to employ the philosopher's new science of sociology to dismantle the British Empire. With an aim to realise in its place Comte's global vision of utopian socialist republican city-states, the former Oxford don and ex-Anglican minister launched his Church of Humanity in 1859. Over the next forty years, Congreve engaged in some of the most pressing foreign and domestic controversies of his day, despite facing fierce personal attacks in the Victorian press. Congreve made overlooked contributions to the history of science, political economy, and secular ethics. In this book Matthew Wilson argues that Congreve's polemics, `in the name of Humanity', served as the devotional practices of his Positivist church.
Although rare, retinoblastoma has been at the fore- fortunate; while in the developed world eye preser- front of cancer research and treatment for the last tion has become a priority, developing countries c- three decades. The two-hit hypothesis of oncogenesis tinue to face delays in diagnosis, poor access to care, proposed by Alfred Knudson provided the conceptual and suboptimal treatment - the problem in the less framework for tumor suppressor gene research and developed world is cure. led to the discovery of the retinoblastoma pathway as In this book, we have invited a team of experts to a key element in cancer development. More recently, address all those important aspects of retinoblastoma the treatment of children with retinoblastoma has also research and therapy - from biology to epidemiology provided a model for modern approach to the can- to treatment. We hope that in subsequent editions we cer patient; state of the art retinoblastoma treatment will be able to continue to provide updates on such can only be conceived in the context of the multidis- exciting subjects.