Jean Cremers
8 produits trouvés
Naviguer sur les flots de la vie...Sac sur le dos, Léonie se retrouve au milieu de nulle part, ou plus exactement en plein milieu de l'océan ! En lui apprêtant une embarcation, ses parents l'ont tout simplement forcée à prendre le large ! Mais pour aller où ? Comment diable va-t-elle s'y prendre pour trouver la terre ferme à l'aide de ses simples rames en bois ? Apeurée, elle va découvrir un univers sans foi ni loi où la nature, le hasard et la détermination vont guider sa barque. Bonne nouvelle: elle n'est pas si seule puisqu'elle rencontre Balthazar, un adolescent dont le canoë prend l'eau de toutes parts. Dans cette immensité, tout le monde n'est donc pas logé à la même enseigne. Les yachts et les bateaux à moteur circulent à toute allure et ne se gênent pas pour détrousser le voisin. Parmi ce faste, il y a aussi ceux qui semblent avoir abandonné tout espoir d'accoster un jour, comme Agathe, qui s'est laissé porter par le courant... Quand ces trois naufragés se croisent, l'aventure prend un autre tournant. Léonie, décidée à trouver un rivage, va embarquer Agathe et Balthazar pour une traversée éprouvante, à la limite des forces qui lui restent, à moins que ce ne soit le contraire...
Il faut bien grandir un jour. Mais comment naviguer sur les flots de la vie ? C'est à travers ce roman graphique que Jean Cremers tente de répondre à cette question en convoquant la force de l'imaginaire pour une métaphore du grand saut vers l'âge adulte. Ce récit initiatique plein de péripéties, que l'on lit d'une traite nous parle des rencontres marquantes et de ces épreuves nécessaires qui nous forgent. -
Officiellement, Jules et Martin sont partis en Norvège avec l'objectif de gravir le Preikestolen. Mais le benjamin veut avant tout remplir son carnet de croquis. Et puis, peut-être, parler enfin avec ce grand frère qui semble s'enfermer de plus en plus dans ses obsessions. Car pour Martin, il ne s'agit pas d'un simple voyage touristique : il espère une communion avec les dieux nordiques. Mais pour pousser les portes du Valhalla, les Vikings doivent d'abord vaincre leurs démons.
Jules and his older brother Martin are on a trip to Norway. A chance for the young art student to reconnect with his sibling, who appears to be withdrawing deeper and deeper into an obsessive downward spiral. But what is behind Martin's unsettling behavior? What is the secret he refuses to speak of, and which is making him turn his back on his family?
Handbook of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
David A. Cremers, Leon J. Radziemski
- Wiley
- 15 Mars 2013
- 9781118567364
Starting from fundamentals and moving through a thorough discussion of equipment, methods, and techniques, the Handbook of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy provides a unique reference source that will be of value for many years to come for this important new analysis method. The authors, with a total of over 60 years of experience in the LIBS method, use a combination of tutorial discussions ranging from basic principles up to more advanced descriptions along with extensive figures and photographs to clearly explain topics addressed in the text. In this second edition, chapters on the use of statistical analysis and advances in detection of weapons of mass destruction have been added. Tables of data related to analysis with LIBS have been updated. The Handbook of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Second Edition: provides a thorough but understandable discussion of the basic principles of the method based on atomic emission spectroscopy, including recently available data leading to better characterization of the LIBS plasma; presents a discussion of the many advantages of the method along with limitations, to provide the reader a balanced overview of capabilities of the method; describes LIBS instrumentation ranging from basic set-ups to more advanced configurations; presents a comprehensive discussion of the different types of components (laser, spectrometers, detectors) that can be used for LIBS apparatuses along with suggestions for their use, as well as an up-to-date treatment of the newest advances and capabilities of LIBS instruments; presents the analytical capabilities of the method in terms of detection limits, accuracy, and precision of measurements for a variety of different sample types; discusses methods of sampling different media such as gases, liquids, and solids; presents an overview of some real-world applications of the method, with new emphasis on sampling of biologically and physically dangerous materials; provides an up-to-date list of references to LIBS literature along with the latest detection limits and a unique list of element detection limits using a uniform analysis method; provides annotated examples of LIBS spectra which can serve as references for the general reader and will be especially useful for those starting out in the field.
Stereo Scene Flow for 3D Motion Analysis
Andreas Wedel, Daniel Cremers
- Springer
- 17 Août 2011
- 9780857299659
This book presents methods for estimating optical flow and scene flow motion with high accuracy, focusing on the practical application of these methods in camera-based driver assistance systems. Clearly and logically structured, the book builds from basic themes to more advanced concepts, culminating in the development of a novel, accurate and robust optic flow method. Features: reviews the major advances in motion estimation and motion analysis, and the latest progress of dense optical flow algorithms; investigates the use of residual images for optical flow; examines methods for deriving motion from stereo image sequences; analyses the error characteristics for motion variables, and derives scene flow metrics for movement likelihood and velocity; introduces a framework for scene flow-based moving object detection and segmentation; includes Appendices on data terms and quadratic optimization, and scene flow implementation using Euler-Lagrange equations, in addition to a helpful Glossary.
Electronic Communication in Heterometallated Porphyrin Oligomers
Jonathan Cremers
- Springer
- 13 Février 2020
- 9783030391010
This book cuts across the divisions of organic, inorganic, and physical chemistry. It describes new methods for creating p-conjugated porphyrin oligomers with precisely defined sequences of zinc and copper metal cations, and how EPR spectroscopy was used to investigate the dipolar and exchange coupling between the paramagnetic copper(II) centres.Porphyrins are a group of heterocyclic macrocycle organic compounds that play an important role in our everyday life and can for example be found in blood where they form a red complex with iron (haem). Various metallic elements can be inserted into a porphyrin and changing the coordinated metal is an excellent way to influence the chemical and physical properties of these molecules. Focusing on 3 metals - zinc, magnesium and copper - the author established new methods for creating p-conjugated porphyrin oligomers and lastly presents the synthesis and investigation of two novel porphyrin nanoballs. Givingthe template-directed strategy the author developed for constructing these molecules, this work could provide access to other related nano-cages.
Constitution et exploitation d'un herbier tropical : l'herbier du centre ORSTOM de Cayenne
Georges Cremers, Michel Hoff
- FeniXX réédition numérique (ORSTOM)
- La nature et l'homme
- 26 Février 2021
- 9782307160403
Cet ouvrage est une réédition numérique d'un livre paru au XXe siècle, désormais indisponible dans son format d'origine.
Architecture végétative et structure inflorescentielle de quelques melastomaceae guyanaises
Georges Cremers
- FeniXX rédition numérique (Éditions de l'ORSTOM)
- Travaux et documents
- 17 Octobre 2019
- 9782307360407
Cet ouvrage est une réédition numérique d'un livre paru au XXe siècle, désormais indisponible dans son format d'origine.