Christopher Allen
La sorcière rouge Tome 1 : La dernière porte
Steve Orlando, Sara Pichelli, Christopher Allen
- Panini
- 13 Septembre 2023
- 9791039123259
DU CHAOS NAÎT L'ESPOIR ! Wanda Maximoff vient d'ouvrir une boutique de magie appelée l'Emporium. En franchissant la dernière porte qui conduit par enchantement au magasin, les personnes désespérées peuvent compter sur la Sorcière Rouge pour régler leurs problèmes, aussi insurmontables semblent-ils. Mais Darcy Lewis, l'assistante de Wanda, lui cache un lourd secret qui pourrait mettre en péril ce refuge... Steve Orlando (Marauders) et Sara Pichelli (Ultimate Spider-Man) inaugurent un nouveau chapitre dans la vie de la puissante magicienne, agrémenté des sublimes couvertures de Russell Dauterman (Mighty Thor). [CET ALBUM CONTIENT LES ÉPISODES SCARLET WITCH (2023) 1 À 5]
LA FACE CACHÉE DU PARADIS MUTANT ! Wolverine est de retour à Krakoa, juste à temps pour aider X-Force à éradiquer une menace née des entrailles mêmes de l'État-nation : Cérébrax ! Alors que Quentin Quire doit se surpasser pour être à la hauteur de sa réputation, l'équipe est également confrontée au terrible pirate d'Arakko Sevyr Blackmore ainsi qu'à l'organisation XENO. Kraven le Chasseur décide quant à lui de se mesurer à Krakoa, une île aussi paradisiaque que dangereuse... Benjamin Percy (Wolverine, Ghost Rider), Robert Gill (Old Man Quill, Conan the Barbarian) et Chris Allen (Miles Morales: Spider-Man, Black Panther) proposent un cocktail d'action sanglante ! [CET ALBUM CONTIENT LES ÉPISODES X-FORCE (2019) 27 À 38.]
La sorcière rouge Tome 2 : Magnum Opus
Steve Orlando, Sara Pichelli, Christopher Allen
- Panini
- 15 Mai 2024
- 9791039131056
COUPS DU SORT ! Ganymède, la seule survivante d'un ordre de guerrières extraterrestres décimées par les Skrulls, se présente à l'Emporium et demande de l'aide à la Sorcière Rouge. Pour épauler la jeune femme dans sa quête de justice, Wanda plaide sa cause devant le couple régent de l'alliance Krees/Skrulls : Hulkling et Wiccan. Steve Orlando (Marauders), Sara Pichelli (Ultimate Spider-Man) et Lorenzo Tammetta (Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver) confrontent la puissante magicienne à son passé mouvementé. [CET ALBUM CONTIENT LES ÉPISODES SCARLET WITCH (2023) 6 À 10.]
Miles Morales : Spider-Man Tome 3 : tourtereaux
Saladin Ahmed, Christopher Allen, Carmen Carnero
- Panini
- 13 Juillet 2022
- 9791039112956
Après avoir réglé son problème de clones, Miles Morales dispose d'un peu de temps pour s'occuper de questions plus terre à terre. Il doit avant tout se munir d'un nouveau costume car le sien est en lambeaux, mais aussi penser à ses études qui risquent de prendre l'eau. Sans oublier, bien sûr, d'entretenir sa relation avec Starling... Rien de simple quand on est la cible d'un redoutable assassin ! Saladin Ahmed, Chris Allen et Carmen Carnero nous plongent dans le quotidien d'une sympathique araignée de quartier. [CET ALBUM CONTIENT LES ÉPISODES MILES MORALES: SPIDER-MAN (2019) 29 À 32.]
Miles Morales : Spider-Man Tome 4 : beyond
Saladin Ahmed, Michele Bandini, Christopher Allen
- Panini
- 7 Décembre 2022
- 9791039116428
La Beyond Corporation a récemment décidé de déposer la marque Spider-Man. Désormais, seules les personnes qui en ont l'autorisation peuvent utiliser ce nom. Alors, quand Miles Morales reçoit une mise en demeure de l'entreprise, il compte bien faire valoir son droit à user de son identité de super-héros. En réalité, ce pourrait bien être le cadet de ses soucis, car dans l'ombre, un certain Assesseur n'a pas fini de tourmenter le jeune super-héros. Saladin Ahmed (Magnificent Ms. Marvel), accompagné de Michele Bandini (Captain Marvel) et de Christopher Allen (O.B.E. Out of Body Experience), lance une nouvelle salve d'aventures trépidantes ! [CET ALBUM CONTIENT LES ÉPISODES MILES MORALES: SPIDER-MAN (2019) 33 À 36 AINSI QUE MILES MORALES: SPIDER-MAN ANNUAL (202 1) 1.]
Miles Morales : Spider-Man Tome 5 : l'empire de l'araignée
Saladin Ahmed, Christopher Allen, Alberto Foche duarte
- Panini
- 24 Mai 2023
- 9791039120852
PERDU DANS LE SPIDER-VERSE ! Après avoir affronté l'Assesseur, l'un de ses plus féroces adversaires, Miles Morales découvre que son oncle Aaron serait toujours en vie, piégé dans un autre univers. Traversant le Spider-Verse avec son clone Shift (devenu son ami et allié), il combat Ultimatum, avant de découvrir une réalité dans laquelle un autre de ses clones, le maléfique Selim, a complètement transformé Brooklyn. Spider-Man parviendra-t-il à retrouver son oncle et à fuir cette affreuse dimension alternative ? Saladin Ahmed (Black Bolt) fait ses adieux à Miles Morales en compagnie de Christopher Allen (Black Panther) et Alberto Foche (X-Corp). [CET ALBUM CONTIENT LES ÉPISODES MILES MORALES: SPIDER-MAN (2019) 37 À 42.]
A Companion to Australian Art is a thorough introduction to the art produced in Australia from the arrival of the First Fleet in 1788 to the early 21st century. Beginning with the colonial art made by Australia's first European settlers, this volume presents a collection of clear and accessible essays by established art historians and emerging scholars alike. Engaging, clearly-written chapters provide fresh insights into the principal Australian art movements, considered from a variety of chronological, regional and thematic perspectives. The text seeks to provide a balanced account of historical events to help readers discover the art of Australia on their own terms and draw their own conclusions. The book begins by surveying the historiography of Australian art and exploring the history of art museums in Australia. The following chapters discuss art forms such as photography, sculpture, portraiture and landscape painting, examining the practice of art in the separate colonies before Federation, and in the Commonwealth from the early 20th century to the present day. This authoritative volume covers the last 250 years of art in Australia, including the Early Colonial, High Colonial and Federation periods as well as the successive Modernist styles of the 20th century, and considers how traditional Aboriginal art has adapted and changed over the last fifty years. The Companion to Australian Art is a valuable resource for both undergraduate and graduate students of the history of Australian artforms from colonization to postmodernism, and for general readers with an interest in the nation's colonial art history.
Treatment of Depression in Adolescents and Adults
David W. Springer, Allen Rubin, Christopher G. Beevers
- Wiley
- 25 Février 2011
- 9781118015407
Praise for Treatment of Depression in Adolescents and Adults "This outstanding book, written for clinicians, provides a fascinating examination of leading depression treatments supported by cutting-edge scientific evidence. The editors have assembled an impressive list of authors who expertly describe each intervention at a level of detail rarely seen in other books. Clinicians looking for guidance on how to implement evidence-based treatments for depression will find this book indispensable."
-Aaron T. Beck, MD, Professor of Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania President Emeritus, Beck Institute for Cognitive Therapy and Research "This is a much-needed book that can increase accessibility of empirically based treatments to practicing clinicians. The chapters are informative, readable, and peppered with clinical examples that bring the treatments to life. This book is an essential bridge to enhance dissemination of some of our most potent treatments for depression to those on the front lines of treatment delivery."
-Adele M. Hayes, PhD, Associate Professor of Psychology, University of Delaware Evidence-based interventions for treating depression in adolescents and adults Part of the Clinician's Guide to Evidence-Based Practice Series, Treatment of Depression in Adolescents and Adults provides busy mental health practitioners with detailed, step-by-step guidance for implementing clinical interventions that are supported by the latest scientific evidence. This thorough, yet practical volume draws on a roster of experts and researchers in the field who have assembled state-of-the-art knowledge into this well-rounded guide. Each chapter serves as a practitioner-focused how-to reference and covers interventions that have the best empirical support for the treatment of depression, including: Cognitive Behavior Therapy Behavioral Activation Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy for Chronic Depression Easy to use and accessible in tone, Treatment of Depression in Adolescents and Adults is indispensable for practitioners who would like to implement evidence-based, culturally competent, effective interventions in their care of clients struggling with depression. -
Research for Inclusive Quality Education
Kelly-Ann Allen, Christopher Boyle
- Springer
- 10 Novembre 2022
- 9789811659089
This book explores contemporary perspectives and research on inclusion, providing a platform for discussing inclusion at an international level and its intersections with belonging and equity. How inclusion is defined and applied between schools, districts, and even countries can vary markedly; thus, an international understanding of inclusion is urgently needed. Experts from several countries in different regions present the latest research in the field of inclusion and provide practices and strategies guided by empirical research to address some of these issues.
Schools are contextual organisations that represent the broader society, culture, and values in which they reside. Thus, how inclusion is practised at the society level has an implication on schools. The way we think about inclusion has shifted dramatically in the last decade - we now recognise that inclusion represents a broad spectrum of racial, ethnic, cultural, and sexual diversity that is seen in almost all modern schools.
This book presents international perspectives and research on inclusion, belonging and equity to work towards a more consistent, collaborative, and global understanding.
Confronting Peace
Cecile Mouly, Susan H. Allen, Landon E. Hancock, Christopher Mitchell
- Palgrave Macmillan
- 1 Décembre 2021
- 9783030672881
Most recent works about the efforts of local communities caught up in a civil war have focused on their efforts to remain places of security and safety from the violence that surrounds them-neutral peace communities or zones. This book, in contrast, focuses on local peace communities facing new challenges and opportunities once a peace agreement has been signed at the national level, such as those in South Africa, the Philippines, Burundi, East Timor, Sierra Leone, and the present peace process in Colombia between the FARC and the Colombian Government. The communities' task is to make a stable and durable peace in the aftermath of a violent civil war and a deal on which local people have usually had little or no influence. Such agreements seek to involve them in both short and longer term peace-building, and expect local communities to cope with problems of armed ex-combatants, IDPs and refugees, law and order in the absence of much state presence, high unemployment and the need for widespread and massive reconstruction of physical infrastructure damaged or destroyed during the war. How local communities have coped with the demands of "peace" is thus the theme that runs through each of these individual chapters, written by authors with direct experience of grassroots communities struggling with such "problems of peace."