C. Gabriel
Un thriller psychologique et fantastique à la Stephen King !
Résumé de la 4e de couverture :
On prétend que le simple battement des ailes d'un papillon peut changer le cours des choses et provoquer une réaction en chaîne funeste.
Naomy, jeune femme insatisfaite, va le découvrir à ses dépens.
Tout commence par une séance d'hypnose où elle va pouvoir revivre un événement de sa vie et le modifier par la pensée. Un exutoire à ses frustrations ? Peut-être pas. Lorsque Naomy se rend compte qu'elle peut transformer son existence, elle ne va pas hésiter à revenir en arrière, toujours plus loin, cherchant désespérément à retrouver ce qui n'aurait jamais dû être altéré.
À force de vouloir être maîtresse de son destin, elle sent qu'elle en perd inexorablement le contrôle.
Gabriel C. a grandi à Couillet et vit à Roselies, en Belgique. Elle est mère de deux enfants et travaille dans l'enseignement. Même si elle a toujours écrit, c'est en 2019 qu'elle se lance dans la littérature avec une nouvelle intitulée "Jour après jour", histoire adaptée en long métrage dans un film indépendant belge.
Son premier recueil de nouvelles voit le jour en 2020.
En 2021, elle sort son premier thriller sous le titre "Le Bal des Psychopathes (Enragée)", suivi du roman "Les Yeux
Crépusculaires" en 2022. La même année, elle écrit un autre recueil "(IM)PULSIONS".
Son dernier recueil de nouvelles sort en 2023 sous le titre Âmes fragmentées.
En 2024, "Comme le souffle du papillon", son troisième roman, est sa première collaboration avec Les Éditions Panthère. -
Easy Baby: Advice for New Dads
The only guide 100% convenient, fast and easy to read for New Dads!
A happy fatherhood starts here with Easy Baby Advice for New Dads!
Easy Baby is a unique, easy to read guide filled with essential tips for new dads to make them feel confident and happy when they take care of their baby.
The original Easy Baby gives new dads the feeling of being competent while fulfilling their roles as new parents making it easier to create a solid bond and the enjoying the pleasure of being a new dad right from the birth of their child.
Topics include:
Develop a good relation
Games to stimulate baby
Mobile friendly
Advice from professional sources.
This article is presented in the form of 60 quality, easy-to-read cards, which are conveniently color-coded to meet the various themes. -
Self-Help, Private Debt Collection and the Concomitant Risks
C?T?Lin Gabriel St?Nescu
- Springer
- 25 Août 2015
- 9783319215037
The book shows that self-help in commercial law is a fast, inexpensive and efficient alternative to court enforcement. Self-help remedies and private debt collection are largely but not exclusively features of common law jurisdictions, since remnants of private enforcement can still be found in contract law in civilian systems. The book argues that - despite their usefulness - self-help and private debt collection entail significant risks, especially for consumer debtors. This means that private enforcement needs to be accompanied by the introduction of tailor-made consumer-debtor protection regulation. Specific attention is given to factoring, which functions in many instances as a form of pseudo-private debt collection and which has been exploited to bypass sector-specific consumer protection regulations.
Compilation and Synthesis for Embedded Reconfigurable Systems
Joao Manuel Paiva Cardoso, Zlatko Marinov Petrov
- Springer
- 16 Mai 2013
- 9781461448945
This book provides techniques to tackle the design challenges raised by the increasing diversity and complexity of emerging, heterogeneous architectures for embedded systems. It describes an approach based on techniques from software engineering called aspect-oriented programming, which allow designers to control today's sophisticated design tool chains, while maintaining a single application source code. Readers are introduced to the basic concepts of an aspect-oriented, domain specific language that enables control of a wide range of compilation and synthesis tools in the partitioning and mapping of an application to a heterogeneous (and possibly multi-core) target architecture. Several examples are presented that illustrate the benefits of the approach developed for applications from avionics and digital signal processing. Using the aspect-oriented programming techniques presented in this book, developers can reuse extensive sections of their designs, while preserving the original application source-code, thus promoting developer productivity as well as architecture and performance portability.
Describes an aspect-oriented approach for the compilation and synthesis of applications targeting heterogeneous embedded computing architectures.
Includes examples using an integrated tool chain for compilation and synthesis.
Provides validation and evaluation for targeted reconfigurable heterogeneous architectures.
Enables design portability, given changing target devices·
Allows developers to maintain a single application source code when targeting multiple architectures. -
Transplantation Surgery
John L. R. Forsythe, Elizabeth A. Pomfret
- Springer
- 25 Juillet 2019
- 9783540737964
This atlas provides transplant professionals with a step-wise approach to organ transplantation, illustrating the technical steps and highlighting practice points for each procedure. All aspects of abdominal and thoracic transplantation are covered, including organ retrieval, bench preparation and implantation. Separate chapters address specific technical issues for heart and lung, liver, kidney, pancreas and intestinal transplantation, providing detailed approaches to difficult situations. Technical variations are clearly explained, and tips are provided on how to ensure safe and efficient surgery. Transplant surgeons, trainees, fellows and other professionals involved in transplantation will find this book to be an ideal reference point. It has been written by an experienced international team of authors who have pioneered many of the techniques described.